; lots of constants for disassembled classic Mac OS code if 0 ; copy this to the top of the .asm file opt nolist include "mac.h" opt list endif ; 68000 CCR flags FLAG_X equ 0x10 FLAG_N equ 0x08 FLAG_Z equ 0x04 FLAG_V equ 0x02 FLAG_C equ 0x01 ; system globals SysCom EQU $0100 ; - start of System communication area MonkeyLives EQU $0100 ; word monkey lives if nonzero ScrVRes EQU $0102 ; word screen vertical dots/inch ScrHRes EQU $0104 ; word screen horizontal dots/inch ScreenRow EQU $0106 ; word rowBytes of screen MemTop EQU $0108 ; long ptr to end of RAM BufPtr EQU $010C ; long ptr to end of jump table StkLowPt EQU $0110 ; long lowest stack pointer value as measured in VBL task HeapEnd EQU $0114 ; long ptr to end of application heap TheZone EQU $0118 ; long ptr to current heap zone UTableBase EQU $011C ; long ptr to unit I/O table MacJmp EQU $0120 ; long ptr to jump vector table used by MacsBug DskRtnAdr EQU $0124 ; long temporary pointer used by Disk Driver *TwiggyVars EQU $0128 ; long ptr to 'other' driver variables (Lisa 5.25" drive) PollRtnAddr EQU $0128 ; long ptr to 'other' driver variables (Lisa 5.25" drive) DskVerify EQU $012C ; byte used by Mac 3.5" Disk Driver for read/verify LoadTrap EQU $012D ; byte trap before launch? MmInOK EQU $012E ; byte Initial Memory Manager checks ok? *DskWr11 EQU $012F ; byte try 1-1 disk writes? CPUFlag EQU $012F ; byte code for installed CPU: 0=68000, 1=68010, 2=68020, 3=68030 ApplLimit EQU $0130 ; long address of application heap limit SonyVars EQU $0134 ; long ptr to Mac 3.5" Disk Driver variables PWMValue EQU $0138 ; word current PWM value PollStack EQU $013A ; long address of SCC poll data start stack location PollProc EQU $013E ; long ptr to SCC poll data procedure DskErr EQU $0142 ; word disk routine result code SysEvtMask EQU $0144 ; word system event mask SysEvtBuf EQU $0146 ; long ptr to system event queue element buffer EventQueue EQU $014A ; 10 event queue header EvtBufCnt EQU $0154 ; word maximum #of events in SysEvtBuf minus 1 RndSeed EQU $0156 ; long random number seed SysVersion EQU $015A ; word System file version number (e.g. System 4.1=$0410) SEvtEnb EQU $015C ; byte 0 = SysEvent always returns FALSE DSWndUpdate EQU $015D ; byte GetNextEvent not to paint behind System error dialog? FontFlag EQU $015E ; byte font manager loop flag Filler3 EQU $015F ; byte 1 byte of filler VBLQueue EQU $0160 ; 10 VBL queue header Ticks EQU $016A ; long Tick count: time since system startup (tick=1/60 sec) MBTicks EQU $016E ; long tick count when mouse button was last pressed MBState EQU $0172 ; byte current mouse button state Tocks EQU $0173 ; byte Lisa sub-tick count KeyMap EQU $0174 ; 8 bitmap of the keyboard KeypadMap EQU $017C ; long bitmap for numeric keypad (uses 18 bits) ;[????] EQU $0180 ; long KeyLast EQU $0184 ; word ASCII code for last valid keycode KeyTime EQU $0186 ; long tickcount when KEYLAST was received KeyRepTime EQU $018A ; long tick count when key was last repeated KeyThresh EQU $018E ; word threshold for key repeat KeyRepThresh EQU $0190 ; word key repeat speed Lv11DT EQU $0192 ; 32 Level-1 secondary interrupt vector table Lv12DT EQU $01B2 ; 32 Level-2 secondary interrupt vector table UnitNtryCnt EQU $01D2 ; word count of entries in unit table VIA EQU $01D4 ; long base address of 6522 VIA chip SCCRd EQU $01D8 ; long addr of Z8530 SCC chip (used when reading the chip) SCCWr EQU $01DC ; long address of Z8530 SCC chip (used when writing the chip) IWM EQU $01E0 ; long base address of IWM chip (floppy drive controller) scratch20 EQU $01E4 ; 20 general scratch area SysParam EQU $01F8 ; - System parameter RAM vars (PRAM info) SPValid EQU $01F8 ; byte validation: $A8 if last write to clock chip was good SPATalkA EQU $01F9 ; byte AppleTalk node ID for modem port SPATalkB EQU $01FA ; byte AppleTalk node ID for printer port SPConfig EQU $01FB ; byte serial-port-in-use flags for both ports SPPortA EQU $01FC ; word modem port configuration (baud, parity, bits) SPPortB EQU $01FE ; word printer port configuration (baud, parity, bits) SPAlarm EQU $0200 ; long alarm clock setting SPFont EQU $0204 ; word font number of application font minus 1 *SPKbdPrint EQU $0206 ; word auto-key threshold/rate and printer connection SPKbd EQU $0206 ; byte auto-key threshold and rate SPPrint EQU $0207 ; byte printer connection *SPVolClik EQU $0208 ; word speaker volume; double click and caret flash times SPVolCtl EQU $0208 ; byte speaker volume SPClikCaret EQU $0209 ; byte double click and caret flash times SPMisc EQU $020A ; byte reserved for future use SPMisc2 EQU $020B ; byte mouse tracking, startup floppy drive, menu blink Time EQU $020C ; long current date/time (seconds since midnight 1 JAN 1904) *BootDrive EQU $0210 ; word drive number of boot drive BootDrive EQU $0210 ; word working directory reference number of boot disk JShell EQU $0212 ; word journaling shell state *Filler3A EQU $0214 ; word negative of vRefNum last seen by Standard File Package SFSaveDisk EQU $0214 ; word negative of vRefNum last seen by Standard File Package KbdVars EQU $0216 ; - Keyboard manager variables ;[????] EQU $0216 ; word KbdLast EQU $0218 ; byte ADB address of keyboard last used ;[????] EQU $0219 ; byte JKybdTask EQU $021A ; long ptr to keyboard VBL task hook KbdType EQU $021E ; byte keyboard model number AlarmState EQU $021F ; byte alarm clock: Bit7=parity, Bit6=beeped, Bit0=enable *CurIOTrap EQU $0220 ; word current I/O trap being executed MemErr EQU $0220 ; word Memory Manager error code DiskVars EQU $0222 ; - Disk driver variables (60 bytes) ;[????] EQU $0222 ; 60 [Editor note: ignore this line] FlEvtMask EQU $025E ; word mask of flushable events (FlushEvents) SdVolume EQU $0260 ; byte Current speaker volume (bits 0 through 2 only) SdEnable EQU $0261 ; byte Sound enabled? SoundVars EQU $0262 ; - Sound driver variables (32 bytes) SoundPtr EQU $0262 ; long pointer to 4-voice sound definition (SynthRec) SoundBase EQU $0266 ; long ptr to free-form sound definition (SynthRec) SoundVBL EQU $026A ; 16 vertical retrace control element SoundDCE EQU $027A ; long pointer to Sound Driver's device control entry SoundActive EQU $027E ; byte sound is active? SoundLevel EQU $027F ; byte current amplitude in 740-byte sound buffer CurPitch EQU $0280 ; word current value of COUNT in square-wave SynthRec SoundLast EQU $0282 ; long address past last sound variable ;[????] EQU $0286 ; long ;[????] EQU $028A ; long ROM85 EQU $028E ; word holds a positive value if 128K or later ROM in Mac PortAUse EQU $0290 ; byte Port A usage: if zero, port available PortBUse EQU $0291 ; byte Port B usage: if zero, port available ScreenVars EQU $0292 ; - Screen driver variables (8 bytes) ;[????] EQU $0292 ; long ;[????] EQU $0296 ; long JGNEFilter EQU $029A ; long ptr to GetNextEvent filter procedure Key1Trans EQU $029E ; long ptr to keyboard translator procedure Key2Trans EQU $02A2 ; long ptr to numeric keypad translator procedure SysZone EQU $02A6 ; long starting address of system heap zone ApplZone EQU $02AA ; long starting address of application heap zone ROMBase EQU $02AE ; long base address of ROM (Trap Dispatcher) RAMBase EQU $02B2 ; long base address of RAM (Trap Dispatcher) BasicGlob EQU $02B6 ; long ptr to BASIC globals DSAlertTab EQU $02BA ; long ptr to system error alert table in use ExtStsDT EQU $02BE ; 16 External/status interrupt vector table SCCASts EQU $02CE ; byte SCC read register 0 last external/status interrupt - A SCCBSts EQU $02CF ; byte SCC read register 0 last external/status interrupt - B SerialVars EQU $02D0 ; - async driver variables (16 bytes) ;[????] EQU $02D0 ; long ;[????] EQU $02D4 ; long ABusVars EQU $02D8 ; long ptr to AppleTalk variables ;[????] EQU $02DC ; long FinderName EQU $02E0 ; 16 name of the shell, usually "Finder" (STRING[15]) DoubleTime EQU $02F0 ; long double click interval in ticks CaretTime EQU $02F4 ; long caret blink interval in ticks ScrDmpEnb EQU $02F8 ; byte screen dump enable - zero disables FKEY processing ScrDmpType EQU $02F9 ; byte $FF dumps screen, $FE dumps front window (FKEY 4) TagData EQU $02FA ; - sector tag info for disk drivers (14 bytes) ;[????] EQU $02FA ; word BufTgFNum EQU $02FC ; long File tags buffer: file number BufTgFFlg EQU $0300 ; word File tags buffer: flags (bit1=1 if resource fork) BufTgFBkNum EQU $0302 ; word File tags buffer: logical block number BufTgDate EQU $0304 ; long File tags buffer: last modification date/time DrvQHdr EQU $0308 ; 10 queue header of drives in system PWMBuf2 EQU $0312 ; long ptr to PWM buffer 1 (or 2 if sound) HpChk EQU $0316 ; long heap check RAM code *MaskBC EQU $031A ; long Memory Manager byte count mask *MaskHandle EQU $031A ; long Memory Manager handle mask *Â¥MaskPtr EQU $031A ; long Memory Manager pointer mask Lo3Bytes EQU $031A ; long holds the constant $00FFFFFF MinStack EQU $031E ; long minimum stack size used in InitApplZone DefltStack EQU $0322 ; long default size of stack MMDefFlags EQU $0326 ; word default zone flags GZRootHnd EQU $0328 ; long root handle for GrowZone GZRootPtr EQU $032C ; long root pointer for GrowZone GZMoveHnd EQU $0330 ; long moving handle for GrowZone DSDrawProc EQU $0334 ; long ptr to alternate system error draw procedure EjectNotify EQU $0338 ; long ptr to eject notify procedure IAZNotify EQU $033C ; long ptr to world swaps notify procedure FileVars EQU $0340 ; - file system vars (184 bytes) CurDB EQU $0340 ; word current dir block/used for searches CkdDB EQU $0340 ; word current dir block/used for searches *FSCallAsync EQU $0342 ; word "One byte free" NxtDB EQU $0342 ; word MaxDB EQU $0344 ; word FlushOnly EQU $0346 ; byte flag used by UnMountVol and FlushVol RegRsrc EQU $0347 ; byte flag used by OpenRF and FileOpen FLckUnlck EQU $0348 ; byte flag used by SetFilLock and RstFilLock FrcSync EQU $0349 ; byte when set, all file system calls are synchronized NewMount EQU $034A ; byte used by MountVol to flag new mounts NoEject EQU $034B ; byte used by Eject and Offline DrMstrBlk EQU $034C ; word master directory block in a volume HFSGlobals EQU $034E ; - HFS global variables (to 03F6) FCBSPtr EQU $034E ; long ptr to file control block buffer DefVCBPtr EQU $0352 ; long ptr to default volume control block VCBQHdr EQU $0356 ; 10 volume control block queue header FSQHdr EQU $0360 ; 10 file I/O queue header HFSVars EQU $036A ; - Start of TFS variables (RAM version) HFSStkTop EQU $036A ; long Temp location of stack ptr during async calls HFSStkPtr EQU $036E ; long Temporary location of HFS stack ptr WDCBsPtr EQU $0372 ; long Working Directory queue header HFSFlags EQU $0376 ; byte Internal HFS flags *SysCRefCnt EQU $0377 ; byte system cache usage count (#of vols) CacheFlag EQU $0377 ; byte system cache usage count now used as cache flag SysBMCPtr EQU $0378 ; long System-wide bitmap cache pointer SysVolCPtr EQU $037C ; long System-wide volume cache pointer SysCtlCPtr EQU $0380 ; long System-wide control cache pointer DefVRefNum EQU $0384 ; word Default volume's VRefNum/WDRefNum PMSPPtr EQU $0386 ; long ptr to list of directories on PMSP HFSDSErr EQU $0392 ; word Final gasp - error that caused IOErr HFSVarEnd EQU $0394 ; - End of HFS variable area CacheVars EQU $0394 ; 8 CurDirStore EQU $0398 ; word ID of last directory opened ;[????] EQU $039A ; word CacheCom EQU $039C ; long ;[????] EQU $03A0 ; word ErCode EQU $03A2 ; word report errors here during async routines Params EQU $03A4 ; - File Mgr I/O ParamBlock (50 bytes) ;[????] EQU $03A4 ; 50 FSTemp8 EQU $03D6 ; 8 used by Rename *FSTemp4 EQU $03DE ; word used by Rename and CkFilMod FSIOErr EQU $03DE ; word last I/O error ;[????] EQU $03E0 ; word FSQueueHook EQU $03E2 ; long ptr to hook to capture all FS calls ExtFSHook EQU $03E6 ; long ptr to command done hook DskSwtchHook EQU $03EA ; long ptr to hook for disk-switch dialog ReqstVol EQU $03EE ; long ptr to offline or external file system volume VCB ToExtFS EQU $03F2 ; long ptr to external file system FSVarEnd EQU $03F6 ; - end of file system variables FSFCBLen EQU $03F6 ; word size of file control block; holds -1 on 64K ROM Macs DSAlertRect EQU $03F8 ; 8 rectangle for system error and disk-switch alerts *DispatchTab EQU $0400 ; 1024 OS & Toolbox trap dispatch table (64K ROM) (512 words) OSDispTable EQU $0400 ; 1024 OS trap dispatch table(128K and later ROM) (256 longs) ;GRAFBEGIN EQU $0800 ; - graf (QuickDraw) global area JHideCursor EQU $0800 ; long JShowCursor EQU $0804 ; long JShieldCursor EQU $0808 ; long JScrnAddr EQU $080C ; long JScrnSize EQU $0810 ; long JInitCrsr EQU $0814 ; long JSetCrsr EQU $0818 ; long JCrsrObscure EQU $081C ; long JUpdateProc EQU $0820 ; long LGrafJump EQU $0824 ; long GrafVar EQU $0824 ; - QuickDraw variables ScrnBase EQU $0824 ; long base address of main screen MTemp EQU $0828 ; long low-level interrupt mouse location RawMouse EQU $082C ; long un-jerked mouse coordinates NMouse EQU $0830 ; long processed mouse coordinate CrsrPin EQU $0834 ; 8 cursor pinning rectangle CrsrRect EQU $083C ; 8 cursor hit rectangle TheCrsr EQU $0844 ; 68 cursor data, mask & hotspot CrsrAddr EQU $0888 ; long address of data under cursor *CrsrSave EQU $088C ; 64 data under the cursor [Editor's note: 64K ROM only] CrsrSave EQU $088C ; long ptr to data under the cursor ;[????] EQU $0890 ; 20 MainDevice EQU $08A4 ; long handle to current main device DeviceList EQU $08A8 ; long handle to first element in device list ;[????] EQU $08AC ; long QDColors EQU $08B0 ; 28 default QuickDraw colors CrsrVis EQU $08CC ; byte cursor visible? CrsrBusy EQU $08CD ; byte cursor locked out? CrsrNew EQU $08CE ; byte cursor changed? CrsrCouple EQU $08CF ; byte cursor coupled to mouse? CrsrState EQU $08D0 ; word cursor nesting level CrsrObscure EQU $08D2 ; byte Cursor obscure semaphore CrsrScale EQU $08D3 ; byte cursor scaled? ;[????] EQU $08D4 ; word MouseMask EQU $08D6 ; long V-H mask for ANDing with mouse MouseOffset EQU $08DA ; long V-H offset for adding after ANDing JournalFlag EQU $08DE ; word journaling state JSwapFont EQU $08E0 ; long jump entry for FMSwapFont *JFontInfo EQU $08E4 ; long jump entry for FMFontMetrics WidthListHand EQU $08E4 ; long handle to a list of handles of recently-used width tables JournalRef EQU $08E8 ; word Journalling driver's refnum ;[????] EQU $08EA ; word CrsrThresh EQU $08EC ; word delta threshold for mouse scaling JCrsrTask EQU $08EE ; long address of CrsrVBLTask GRAFEND EQU $08F2 ; - End of graphics globals WWExist EQU $08F2 ; byte window manager initialized? DExist EQU $08F3 ; byte QuickDraw is initialized JFetch EQU $08F4 ; long ptr to fetch-a-byte routine for drivers JStash EQU $08F8 ; long ptr to stash-a-byte routine for drivers JIODone EQU $08FC ; long ptr to IODone routine for drivers LoadVars EQU $0900 ; - Segment Loader variables (68 bytes) CurApRefNum EQU $0900 ; word refNum of current application's resFile LaunchFlag EQU $0902 ; byte Tells whether Launch or Chain was last called ;[????] EQU $0903 ; byte CurrentA5 EQU $0904 ; long current value of register A5 CurStackBase EQU $0908 ; long ptr to the base (beginning) of the stack ;[????] EQU $090C ; long CurApName EQU $0910 ; 32 name of current application (STRING[31]) SaveSegHandle EQU $0930 ; long handle to segment 0 (CODE 0) CurJTOffset EQU $0934 ; word current jump table offset from register A5 CurPageOption EQU $0936 ; word current page 2 configuration (screen/sound buffers) HiliteMode EQU $0938 ; word set to -1 if hilighting mode is on, 0 otherwise LoaderPBlock EQU $093A ; 10 param block for ExitToShell PrintVars EQU $0944 ; 16 print code variables *LastLGlobal EQU $0944 ; long address past last loader global PrintErr EQU $0944 ; word Print Manager error code ;[????] EQU $0946 ; 14 *CoreEditVars EQU $0954 ; 12 core edit variables LastPGlobal EQU $0954 ; long address of last printer global ;[????] EQU $0958 ; long ;[????] EQU $095C ; long scrapVars EQU $0960 ; - Scrap Manager variables (32 bytes) *scrapInfo EQU $0960 ; long scrap length scrapSize EQU $0960 ; long scrap length scrapHandle EQU $0964 ; long handle to RAM scrap scrapCount EQU $0968 ; word count changed by ZeroScrap scrapState EQU $096A ; word scrap state: tells if scrap exists in RAM or on disk scrapName EQU $096C ; long pointer to scrap file name (normally "Clipboard File") scrapTag EQU $0970 ; 16 scrap file name (STRING[15]) scrapEnd EQU $0980 ; - End of scrap vars ToolGBase EQU $0980 ; - base address of toolbox globals ToolVars EQU $0980 ; - toolbox variables RomFont0 EQU $0980 ; long handle to system font *ApFontID EQU $0984 ; word resource ID of application font ApFontID EQU $0984 ; word font number of application font GotStrike EQU $0986 ; byte Do we have the strike? FMDefaultSize EQU $0987 ; byte default size *CurFMInput EQU $0988 ; long ptr to QuickDraw FMInput record CurFMFamily EQU $0988 ; word current font family CurFMSize EQU $098A ; word current font size CurFMFace EQU $098C ; byte current font face CurFMNeedBits EQU $098D ; byte boolean telling whether it needs strike CurFMDevice EQU $098E ; word current font device CurFMNumer EQU $0990 ; long current numerator of scale factor CurFMDenom EQU $0994 ; long current denominator of scale factor FMgrOutRec EQU $0998 ; long ptr to QuickDraw FontOutput record FOutError EQU $0998 ; word Font Manager error code TFOutFontHandle EQU $099A ;long handle to font bits FOutBold EQU $099E ; byte bolding factor FOutItalic EQU $099F ; byte italic factor FOutULOffset EQU $09A0 ; byte underline offset FOutULShadow EQU $09A1 ; byte underline halo FOutULThick EQU $09A2 ; byte underline thickness FOutShadow EQU $09A3 ; byte shadow factor FOutExtra EQU $09A4 ; byte extra horizontal width FOutAscent EQU $09A5 ; byte height above baseline FOutDescent EQU $09A6 ; byte height below baseline FOutWidMax EQU $09A7 ; byte maximum width of character FOutLeading EQU $09A8 ; byte space between lines FOutUnused EQU $09A9 ; byte unused (padding) byte -must have even number FOutNumer EQU $09AA ; long point for numerators of scale factor FOutDenom EQU $09AE ; long point for denominators of scale factor FMDotsPerInch EQU $09B2 ; long h,v dotsPerInch (resolution) of current device FMStyleTab EQU $09B6 ; 24 style heuristic table given by device ToolScratch EQU $09CE ; 8 scratch area WindowList EQU $09D6 ; long ptr to Z-ordered linked list of windows SaveUpdate EQU $09DA ; word Enable update events? PaintWhite EQU $09DC ; word erase windows before update event? WMgrPort EQU $09DE ; long ptr to window manager's grafport DeskPort EQU $09E2 ; long ptr to Desk grafPort (Whole screen) OldStructure EQU $09E6 ; long handle to saved structure region OldContent EQU $09EA ; long handle to saved content region GrayRgn EQU $09EE ; long handle to rounded-corner region drawn as the desktop SaveVisRgn EQU $09F2 ; long handle to temporarily saved visRegion DragHook EQU $09F6 ; long ptr to user hook called during dragging scratch8 EQU $09FA ; 8 general scratch area TempRect EQU $09FA ; 8 scratch rectangle OneOne EQU $0A02 ; long holds the constant $00010001 MinusOne EQU $0A06 ; long holds the constant $FFFFFFFF TopMenuItem EQU $0A0A ; word pixel value of top of scrollable menu AtMenuBottom EQU $0A0C ; word flag for menu scrolling IconBitmap EQU $0A0E ; 14 scratch bitmap used for plotting things MenuList EQU $0A1C ; long handle to current menuBar list structure MBarEnable EQU $0A20 ; word menuBar enable for desk acc's that own the menu bar CurDeKind EQU $0A22 ; word window kind of deactivated window MenuFlash EQU $0A24 ; word flash feedback count TheMenu EQU $0A26 ; word resource ID of hilited menu SavedHandle EQU $0A28 ; long handle to data under a menu *MrMacHook EQU $0A2C ; long Mr. Macintosh hook MBarHook EQU $0A2C ; long ptr to MenuSelect hook called before menu is drawn MenuHook EQU $0A30 ; long ptr to user hook called during MenuSelect DragPattern EQU $0A34 ; 8 pattern used to draw outlines of dragged regions DeskPattern EQU $0A3C ; 8 pattern used for the desktop DragFlag EQU $0A44 ; word implicit parameter to DragControl CurDragAction EQU $0A46 ; long ptr to implicit actionProc for dragControl FPState EQU $0A4A ; 6 floating point state TopMapHndl EQU $0A50 ; long handle to map of most recently opened resource file SysMapHndl EQU $0A54 ; long handle to map of System resourc file SysMap EQU $0A58 ; word reference number of System resource file CurMap EQU $0A5A ; word reference number of current resource file ResReadOnly EQU $0A5C ; word Read-only flag ResLoad EQU $0A5E ; word Auto-load feature ResErr EQU $0A60 ; word Resource Manager error code TaskLock EQU $0A62 ; byte re-entering SystemTask FScaleDisable EQU $0A63 ; byte disable font scaling? CurActivate EQU $0A64 ; long ptr to window slated for activate event CurDeactive EQU $0A68 ; long ptr to window slated for deactivate event DeskHook EQU $0A6C ; long ptr to hook for painting the desk TEDoText EQU $0A70 ; long ptr to textEdit doText proc hook TERecal EQU $0A74 ; long ptr to textEdit recalText proc hook *MicroSoft EQU $0A78 ; 12 ApplScratch - for Seattle font ApplScratch EQU $0A78 ; 12 application scratch area GhostWindow EQU $0A84 ; long ptr to window never to be considered frontmost CloseOrnHook EQU $0A88 ; long ptr to hook for closing desk ornaments ResumeProc EQU $0A8C ; long ptr to Resume procedure (System error dialog) SaveProc EQU $0A90 ; long address of Save failsafe procedure SaveSP EQU $0A94 ; long Safe stack ptr for restart or save ANumber EQU $0A98 ; word resID of last alert ACount EQU $0A9A ; word number of times last alert was called (0 through 3) DABeeper EQU $0A9C ; long ptr to current beep routine DAStrings EQU $0AA0 ; 16 paramText substitution strings (4 handles) TEScrpLengt EQU $0AB0 ; long textEdit Scrap Length TEScrpHandl EQU $0AB4 ; long handle to textEdit Scrap AppPacks EQU $0AB8 ; 32 Handles to PACK resources (ID's from 0 to 7) SysResName EQU $0AD8 ; 20 name of system resource file (STRING[19]) AppParmHandle EQU $0AEC ; long handle to hold application parameters DSErrCode EQU $0AF0 ; word last (or current) system error alert ID ResErrProc EQU $0AF2 ; long ptr to Resource Manager error procedure TEWdBreak EQU $0AF6 ; long ptr to default word break routine DlgFont EQU $0AFA ; word current font number for dialogs and alerts LastTGLobal EQU $0AFC ; long address of last global ; 128K ROM globals TrapAgain EQU $0B00 ; long use 4 bytes here for another trap ;[????] EQU $0B04 ; word ROMMapHndl EQU $0B06 ; long handle to ROM resource map PWMBuf1 EQU $0B0A ; long ptr to PWM buffer BootMask EQU $0B0E ; word needed during boot WidthPtr EQU $0B10 ; long ptr to global width table AtalkHk1 EQU $0B14 ; long ptr to Appletalk hook 1 AtalkHk2 EQU $0B18 ; long ptr to Appletalk hook 2 ;[????] EQU $0B1C ; long ;[????] EQU $0B20 ; word HWCfgFlags EQU $0B22 ; word hardware configuration flags (two names for this global) SCSIFlag EQU $0B22 ; word SCSI configuration word (bit 15=1 if SCSI installed) ;[????] EQU $0B24 ; 6 WidthTabHandle EQU $0B2A ; long handle to global width table ;[????] EQU $0B2E ; 6 BtDskRfn EQU $0B34 ; word boot drive driver reference number BootTmp8 EQU $0B36 ; 8 temporary space needed by StartBoot ;[????] EQU $0B3E ; byte T1Arbitrate EQU $0B3F ; byte holds $FF if Timer T1 up for grabs ;[????] EQU $0B40 ; 20 MenuDisable EQU $0B54 ; long resID and menuItem of last chosen menu item ;[????] EQU $0B58 ; 40 ; EQU $0B80 ; - switched variables (128 bytes) RMGRHiVars EQU $0B80 ; - RMGR variables (32 bytes) ;[????] EQU $0B80 ; 14 RomMapInsert EQU $0B9E ; byte flag: insert [resource] map to the ROM resources TmpResLoad EQU $0B9F ; byte temp SetResLoad state for calls using ROMMapInsert IntlSpec EQU $0BA0 ; long international software installed if not -1 ;[????] EQU $0BA4 ; word SysFontFam EQU $0BA6 ; word if nonzero, the font # for system font SysFontSize EQU $0BA8 ; word if nonzero, the system font size MBarHeight EQU $0BAA ; word pixel height of menu bar ;[????] EQU $0BAC ; long NewUnused EQU $0BC0 ; word formerly FlEvtMask LastFOND EQU $0BC2 ; long handle to last family record used ;[????] EQU $0BC4 ; 48 FractEnable EQU $0BF4 ; byte enables fractional widths if not zero ;[????] EQU $0BF5 ; byte ;[????] EQU $0BF6 ; 10 ; A5 offset of qd globals: ; $0010 finder information handle ; -$00C6 FF3A fmOutput fontData; ,26 EQU $FFFFFF36 ; FMOutput record ; -$00AC FF54 fmOutPtr fontPtr; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF50 ; ptr to fontData ; -$00A8 FF58 fixed fontAdj; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF54 ; Fixed Point ; -$00A4 FF5C point patAlign; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF58 ; Point ; -$00A0 FF60 int polyMax; ,2 EQU $FFFFFF5C ; INTEGER ; -$009E FF62 polyHandle thePoly; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF5E ; POLYHANDLE ; -$009A FF66 int playIndex; ,2 EQU $FFFFFF62 ; INTEGER ; -$0098 FF68 picHandle playPic; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF64 ; Long ; -$0094 FF6C int rgnMax; ,2 EQU $FFFFFF68 ; INTEGER ; -$0092 FF6E int rgnIndex; ,2 EQU $FFFFFF6A ; INTEGER ; -$0090 FF70 qdHandle rgnBuf; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF6C ; PointsHandle ; -$008C FF74 region wideData; ,10 EQU $FFFFFF70 ; Fake Region ; -$0082 FF7E rgnPtr wideMaster; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF7A ; RgnPtr ; -$007E FF82 rgnHandle wideOpen; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF7E ; RgnHandle ; -$007A FF86 long randSeed; ,4 EQU $FFFFFF82 ; [long] ; -$0068 FF98 bitMap screenBits; ,14 EQU $FFFFFF86 ; [BitMap] ; -$0068 FF98 cursor arrow; ,68 EQU $FFFFFF94 ; [Cursor] ; -$002C FFD4 pattern dkGray; ,8 EQU $FFFFFFD8 ; [Pattern] ; -$0024 FFDC pattern ltGray; ,8 EQU $FFFFFFE0 ; [Pattern] ; -$001C FFE4 pattern gray; ,8 EQU $FFFFFFE8 ; [Pattern] ; -$0014 FFEC pattern black; ,8 EQU $FFFFFFF0 ; [Pattern] ; -$000C FFF4 pattern white; ,8 EQU $FFFFFFF8 ; [Pattern] ; -$0004 FFFC grafptr thePort; ,4 EQU $0 ; [GrafPtr] ; -$0000 0000 pointer to qd globals, set to -4(A5) by InitGraf(qd.thePort) ; GrafPort structure ; 00 ; device: Integer; {device-specific information} ; 02 ; portBits: BitMap; {bitmap} ; 10 ; portBounds: Rect; ; 18 ; portRect: Rect; {port rectangle} ; 20 ; visRgn: RgnHandle; {visible region} ; 24 ; clipRgn: RgnHandle; {clipping region} ; 28 ; bkPat: Pattern; {background pattern} ; 30 ; fillPat: Pattern; {fill pattern} ; 38 ; pnLoc: Point; {pen location} ; 3C ; pnSize: Point; {pen size} ; 40 ; pnMode: Integer; {pattern mode} ; 42 ; pnPat: Pattern; {pen pattern} ; 4A ; pnVis: Integer; {pen visibility} ; 4C ; txFont: Integer; {font number for text} ; 4E ; txFace: Style; {text's font style} ; 50 ; txMode: Integer; {source mode for text} ; 52 ; txSize: Integer; {font size for text} ; 54 ; spExtra: Fixed; {extra space} ; 58 ; fgColor: LongInt; {foreground color} ; 5C ; bkColor: LongInt; {background color} ; 60 ; colrBit: Integer; {color bit} ; 62 ; patStretch: Integer; {used internally} ; 64 ; picSave: Handle; {picture being saved, used internally} ; 68 ; rgnSave: Handle; {region being saved, used internally} ; 6C ; polySave: Handle; {polygon being saved, used internally} ; 70 ; grafProcs: QDProcsPtr; {low-level drawing routines} ;Ax0x ========== _Open macro dc.w 0xA000 endm _Close macro dc.w 0xA001 endm _Read macro dc.w 0xA002 endm _Write macro dc.w 0xA003 endm _Write_A macro dc.w 0xA403 endm _Control macro dc.w 0xA004 endm _Status macro dc.w 0xA005 endm ; 0xA006 "_KillIO" _GetVolInfo macro dc.w 0xA007 endm _Create macro dc.w 0xA008 endm _Delete macro dc.w 0xA009 endm ; 0xA00A "_OpenRF" _Rename macro dc.w 0xA00B endm _GetFileInfo macro dc.w 0xA00C endm _SetFileInfo macro dc.w 0xA00D endm ; 0xA00E "_UnmountVol" ; 0xA00F "_MountVol" ;Ax1x ========== ; 0xA010 "_Allocate" _GetEOF macro dc.w 0xA011 endm _SetEOF macro dc.w 0xA012 endm _FlushVol macro dc.w 0xA013 endm ; 0xA014 "_GetVol" ; 0xA015 "_SetVol" ; 0xA016 "_InitQueue" ; 0xA017 "_Eject" ; 0xA018 "_GetFPos" ; 0xA019 "_InitZone" ; 0xA11A "_GetZone" ; 0xA01B "_SetZone" _FreeMem macro dc.w 0xA01C endm _MaxMem macro dc.w 0xA11D endm _NewPtr macro dc.w 0xA11E endm _DisposPtr macro dc.w 0xA01F endm ;Ax2x ========== ; 0xA020 "_SetPtrSize" ; 0xA021 "_GetPtrSize" _NewHandle macro dc.w 0xA122 endm _DisposHandle macro dc.w 0xA023 endm _SetHandleSize macro dc.w 0xA024 endm _GetHandleSize macro dc.w 0xA025 endm ; 0xA126 "_HandleZone" _ReallocHandle macro dc.w 0xA027 endm ; 0xA128 "_RecoverHandle" _HLock macro dc.w 0xA029 endm _HUnlock macro dc.w 0xA02A endm ; 0xA02B "_EmptyHandle" ; 0xA02C "_InitApplZone" _SetApplLimit macro dc.w 0xA02D endm ; 0xA02E "_BlockMove" ; 0xA02F "_PostEvent" ;Ax3x ========== ; 0xA030 "_OSEventAvail" ; 0xA031 "_GetOSEvent" _FlushEvents macro dc.w 0xA032 endm _VInstall macro dc.w 0xA033 endm _VRemove macro dc.w 0xA034 endm ; 0xA035 "_Offline" _MoreMasters macro dc.w 0xA036 endm ; 0xA037 "_ReadParam" ; 0xA038 "_WriteParam" _ReadDateTime macro dc.w 0xA039 endm _SetDateTime macro dc.w 0xA03A endm _Delay macro dc.w 0xA03B endm ; 0xA03C "_CmpString" ; 0xA03D "_DrvrInstall" ; 0xA03E "_DrvrRemove" ; 0xA03F "_InitUtil" ;Ax4x ========== _ResrvMem macro dc.w 0xA040 endm ; 0xA041 "_SetFilLock" ; 0xA042 "_RstFilLock" ; 0xA043 "_SetFilType" _SetFPos macro dc.w 0xA044 endm _FlushFile macro dc.w 0xA045 endm ; 0xA146 "_GetTrapAddress" ; 0xA047 "_SetTrapAddress" ; 0xA148 "_PtrZone" ; 0xA049 "_HPurge" ; 0xA04A "_HNoPurge" _SetGrowZone macro dc.w 0xA04B endm _CompactMem macro dc.w 0xA14C endm _PurgeMem macro dc.w 0xA14D endm ; 0xA04E "_AddDrive" ; 0xA04F "_RDrvrInstall" ;A85x ========== _InitCursor macro dc.w 0xA850 endm _SetCursor macro dc.w 0xA851 endm ; 0xA852 "_HideCursor" _ShowCursor macro dc.w 0xA853 endm ; 0xA054 "_UprString" ; 0xA855 "_ShieldCursor" ; 0xA856 "_ObscureCursor" ; 0xA057 "_SetAppBase" ; 0xA858 "_BitAnd" ; 0xA859 "_BitXor" ; 0xA85A "_BitNot" ; 0xA85B "_BitOr" ; 0xA85C "_BitShift" ; 0xA85D "_BitTst" ; 0xA85E "_BitSet" ; 0xA85F "_BitClr" ;A86x ========== ; 0xA860 "_WaitNextEvent" ; 0xA861 "_Random" ; 0xA862 "_ForeColor" ; 0xA863 "_BackColor" ; 0xA864 "_ColorBit" _GetPixel macro dc.w 0xA865 endm ; 0xA866 "_StuffHex" ; 0xA867 "_LongMul" ; 0xA868 "_FixMul" ; 0xA869 "_FixRatio" ; 0xA86A "_HiWord" ; 0xA86B "_LoWord" ; 0xA86C "_FixRound" ; 0xA86D "_InitPort" _InitGraf macro dc.w 0xA86E endm ; 0xA86F "_OpenPort" ;A87x ========== ; 0xA870 "_LocalToGlobal" _GlobalToLocal macro dc.w 0xA871 endm ; 0xA872 "_GrafDevice" _SetPort macro dc.w 0xA873 endm ; 0xA874 "_GetPort" ; 0xA875 "_SetPBits" ; 0xA876 "_PortSize" _MovePortTo macro dc.w 0xA877 endm _SetOrigin macro dc.w 0xA878 endm ; 0xA879 "_SetClip" ; 0xA87A "_GetClip" _ClipRect macro dc.w 0xA87B endm _BackPat macro dc.w 0xA87C endm ; 0xA87D "_ClosePort" ; 0xA87E "_AddPt" ; 0xA87F "_SubPt" ;A88x ========== ; 0xA880 "_SetPt" ; 0xA881 "_EqualPt" ; 0xA882 "_StdText" _DrawChar macro dc.w 0xA883 endm ; 0xA884 "_DrawString" ; 0xA885 "_DrawText" ; 0xA886 "_TextWidth" _TextFont macro dc.w 0xA887 endm _TextFace macro dc.w 0xA888 endm _TextMode macro dc.w 0xA889 endm _TextSize macro dc.w 0xA88A endm _GetFontInfo macro dc.w 0xA88B endm ; 0xA88C "_StringWidth" _CharWidth macro dc.w 0xA88D endm ; 0xA88E "_SpaceExtra" ; 0xA88F "_JugglerDispatch" ;A89x ========== ; 0xA890 "_StdLine" _LineTo macro dc.w 0xA891 endm ; 0xA892 "_Line" _MoveTo macro dc.w 0xA893 endm ; 0xA894 "_Move" ; 0xA895 "_ShutDown" ; 0xA896 "_HidePen" ; 0xA897 "_ShowPen" _GetPenState macro dc.w 0xA898 endm _SetPenState macro dc.w 0xA899 endm ; 0xA89A "_GetPen" ; 0xA89B "_PenSize" _PenMode macro dc.w 0xA89C endm _PenPat macro dc.w 0xA89D endm _PenNormal macro dc.w 0xA89E endm ; 0xA89F "_UnimplTrap" ;A8Ax ========== ; 0xA8A0 "_StdRect" _FrameRect macro dc.w 0xA8A1 endm _PaintRect macro dc.w 0xA8A2 endm _EraseRect macro dc.w 0xA8A3 endm _InverRect macro dc.w 0xA8A4 endm ; 0xA8A5 "_FillRect" ; 0xA8A6 "_EqualRect" ; 0xA8A7 "_SetRect" _OffsetRect macro dc.w 0xA8A8 endm _InsetRect macro dc.w 0xA8A9 endm _SectRect macro dc.w 0xA8AA endm ; 0xA8AB "_UnionRect" ; 0xA8AC "_Pt2Rect" _PtInRect macro dc.w 0xA8AD endm ; 0xA8AE "_EmptyRect" ; 0xA8AF "_StdRRect" ;A8Bx ========== ; 0xA8B0 "_FrameRoundRect" ; 0xA8B1 "_PaintRoundRect" ; 0xA8B2 "_EraseRoundRect" ; 0xA8B3 "_InverRoundRect" ; 0xA8B4 "_FillRoundRect" ; 0xA8B6 "_StdOval" ; 0xA8B7 "_FrameOval" ; 0xA8B8 "_PaintOval" ; 0xA8B9 "_EraseOval" ; 0xA8BA "_InvertOval" ; 0xA8BB "_FillOval" ; 0xA8BC "_SlopeFromAngle" ; 0xA8BD "_StdArc" _FrameArc macro dc.w 0xA8BE endm ; 0xA8BF "_PaintArc" ;A8Cx ========== ; 0xA8C0 "_EraseArc" ; 0xA8C1 "_InvertArc" ; 0xA8C2 "_FillArc" ; 0xA8C3 "_PtToAngle" ; 0xA8C4 "_AngleFromSlope" ; 0xA8C5 "_StdPoly" ; 0xA8C6 "_FramePoly" ; 0xA8C7 "_PaintPoly" ; 0xA8C8 "_ErasePoly" ; 0xA8C9 "_InvertPoly" ; 0xA8CA "_FillPoly" ; 0xA8CB "_OpenPoly" ; 0xA8CC "_ClosePgon" ; 0xA8CD "_KillPoly" ; 0xA8CE "_OffsetPoly" ; 0xA8CF "_PackBits" ;A8Dx ========== ; 0xA8D0 "_UnpackBits" ; 0xA8D1 "_StdRgn" ; 0xA8D2 "_FrameRgn" ; 0xA8D3 "_PaintRgn" ; 0xA8D4 "_EraseRgn" ; 0xA8D5 "_InverRgn" ; 0xA8D6 "_FillRgn" ; A8D7 not used? _NewRgn macro dc.w 0xA8D8 endm _DisposRgn macro dc.w 0xA8D9 endm ; 0xA8DA "_OpenRgn" ; 0xA8DB "_CloseRgn" ; 0xA8DC "_CopyRgn" ; 0xA8DD "_SetEmptyRgn" ; 0xA8DE "_SetRecRgn" ; 0xA8DF "_RectRgn" ;A8Ex ========== _OfsetRgn macro dc.w 0xA8E0 endm ; 0xA8E1 "_InsetRgn" ; 0xA8E2 "_EmptyRgn" ; 0xA8E3 "_EqualRgn" ; 0xA8E4 "_SectRgn" ; 0xA8E5 "_UnionRgn" ; 0xA8E6 "_DiffRgn" ; 0xA8E7 "_XorRgn" ; 0xA8E8 "_PtInRgn" ; 0xA8E9 "_RectInRgn" ; 0xA8EA "_SetStdProcs" ; 0xA8EB "_StdBits" _CopyBits macro dc.w 0xA8EC endm ; 0xA8ED "_StdTxMeas" ; 0xA8EE "_StdGetPic" _ScrollRect macro dc.w 0xA8EF endm ;A8Fx ========== ; 0xA8F0 "_StdPutPic" ; 0xA8F1 "_StdComment" ; 0xA8F2 "_PicComment" _OpenPicture macro dc.w 0xA8F3 endm _ClosePicture macro dc.w 0xA8F4 endm _KillPicture macro dc.w 0xA8F5 endm _DrawPicture macro dc.w 0xA8F6 endm ; AF87 not used? ; 0xA8F8 "_ScalePt" ; 0xA8F9 "_MapPt" ; 0xA8FA "_MapRect" ; 0xA8FB "_MapRgn" ; 0xA8FC "_MapPoly" ; 0xA8FD "_PrGlue" _InitFonts macro dc.w 0xA8FE endm ; 0xA8FF "_GetFName" ;A90x ========== ; 0xA900 "_GetFNum" ; 0xA901 "_FMSwapFont" ; 0xA902 "_RealFont" ; 0xA903 "_SetFontLock" ; 0xA904 "_DrawGrowIcon" ; 0xA905 "_DragGrayRgn" ; 0xA906 "_NewString" ; 0xA907 "_SetString" ; 0xA908 "_ShowHide" ; 0xA909 "_CalcVis" ; 0xA90A "_CalcVBehind" ; 0xA90B "_ClipAbove" ; 0xA90C "_PaintOne" ; 0xA90D "_PaintBehind" ; 0xA90E "_SaveOld" ; 0xA90F "_DrawNew" ;A91x ========== ; 0xA910 "_GetWMgrPort" ; 0xA911 "_CheckUpdate" _InitWindows macro dc.w 0xA912 endm _NewWindow macro dc.w 0xA913 endm ; 0xA914 "_DisposWindow" _ShowWindow macro dc.w 0xA915 endm _HideWindow macro dc.w 0xA916 endm ; 0xA917 "_GetWRefCon" ; 0xA918 "_SetWRefCon" ; 0xA919 "_GetWTitle" ; 0xA91A "_SetWTitle" _MoveWindow macro dc.w 0xA91B endm ; 0xA91C "_HiliteWindow" _SizeWindow macro dc.w 0xA91D endm _TrackGoAway macro dc.w 0xA91E endm _SelectWindow macro dc.w 0xA91F endm ;A92x ========== ; 0xA920 "_BringToFront" ; 0xA921 "_SendBehind" _BeginUpdate macro dc.w 0xA922 endm _EndUpdate macro dc.w 0xA923 endm ; 0xA924 "_FrontWindow" _DragWindow macro dc.w 0xA925 endm ; 0xA926 "_DragTheRgn" _InvalRgn macro dc.w 0xA927 endm _InvalRect macro dc.w 0xA928 endm _ValidRgn macro dc.w 0xA929 endm _ValidRect macro dc.w 0xA92A endm _GrowWindow macro dc.w 0xA92B endm _FindWindow macro dc.w 0xA92C endm _CloseWindow macro dc.w 0xA92D endm ; 0xA92E "_SetWindowPic" ; 0xA92F "_GetWindowPic" ;A93x ========== _InitMenus macro dc.w 0xA930 endm _NewMenu macro dc.w 0xA931 endm _DisposMenu macro dc.w 0xA932 endm _AppendMenu macro dc.w 0xA933 endm _ClearMenuBar macro dc.w 0xA934 endm _InsertMenu macro dc.w 0xA935 endm _DeleteMenu macro dc.w 0xA936 endm _DrawMenuBar macro dc.w 0xA937 endm _HiliteMenu macro dc.w 0xA938 endm ; 0xA939 "_EnableItem" ; 0xA93A "_DisableItem" _GetMenuBar macro dc.w 0xA93B endm _SetMenuBar macro dc.w 0xA93C endm _MenuSelect macro dc.w 0xA93D endm _MenuKey macro dc.w 0xA93E endm ; 0xA93F "_GetItmIcon" ;A94x ========== ; 0xA940 "_SetItmIcon" ; 0xA941 "_GetItmStyle" ; 0xA942 "_SetItmStyle" ; 0xA943 "_GetItmMark" ; 0xA944 "_SetItmMark" _CheckItem macro dc.w 0xA945 endm _GetItem macro dc.w 0xA946 endm _SetItem macro dc.w 0xA947 endm ; 0xA948 "_CalcMenuSize" _GetMHandle macro dc.w 0xA949 endm ; 0xA94A "_SetMFlash" ; 0xA94B "_PlotIcon" ; 0xA94C "_FlashMenuBar" _AddResMenu macro dc.w 0xA94D endm ; 0xA94E "_PinRect" ; 0xA94F "_DeltaPoint" ;A95x ========== ; 0xA950 "_CountMItems" ; 0xA951 "_InsertResMenu" ; 0xA952 "_DelMenuItem" ; 0xA953 "_UpdtControls" _NewControl macro dc.w 0xA954 endm _DisposControl macro dc.w 0xA955 endm ; 0xA956 "_KillControls" _ShowControl macro dc.w 0xA957 endm _HideControl macro dc.w 0xA958 endm _MoveControl macro dc.w 0xA959 endm ; 0xA95A "_GetCRefCon" ; 0xA95B "_SetCRefCon" _SizeControl macro dc.w 0xA95C endm _HiliteControl macro dc.w 0xA95D endm ; 0xA95E "_GetCTitle" ; 0xA95F "_SetCTitle" ;A96x ========== _GetCtlValue macro dc.w 0xA960 endm ; 0xA961 "_GetMinCtl" ; 0xA962 "_GetMaxCtl" _SetCtlValue macro dc.w 0xA963 endm _SetMinCtl macro dc.w 0xA964 endm _SetMaxCtl macro dc.w 0xA965 endm ; 0xA966 "_TestControl" ; 0xA967 "_DragControl" _TrackControl macro dc.w 0xA968 endm _DrawControls macro dc.w 0xA969 endm ; 0xA96A "_GetCtlAction" ; 0xA96B "_SetCtlAction" ; 0xA96C "_FindControl" ;A96D not used? ; 0xA96E "_Dequeue" ; 0xA96F "_Enqueue" _FindControl macro dc.w 0xA96C endm ;A97x ========== _GetNextEvent macro dc.w 0xA970 endm _EventAvail macro dc.w 0xA971 endm _GetMouse macro dc.w 0xA972 endm _StillDown macro dc.w 0xA973 endm ; 0xA974 "_Button" ; 0xA975 "_TickCount" _GetKeys macro dc.w 0xA976 endm ; 0xA977 "_WaitMouseUp" ; 0xA979 "_CouldDialog" ; 0xA97A "_FreeDialog" _InitDialogs macro dc.w 0xA97B endm _GetNewDialog macro dc.w 0xA97C endm ; 0xA97D "_NewDialog" _SelIText macro dc.w 0xA97E endm ; 0xA97F "_IsDialogEvent" ;A98x ========== ; 0xA980 "_DialogSelect" _DrawDialog macro dc.w 0xA981 endm ; 0xA982 "_CloseDialog" _DisposDialog macro dc.w 0xA983 endm ; 0xA984 "_FindDItem" ; 0xA985 "_Alert" ; 0xA986 "_StopAlert" ; 0xA987 "_NoteAlert" ; 0xA988 "_CautionAlert" ; 0xA989 "_CouldAlert" ; 0xA98A "_FreeAlert" ; 0xA98B "_ParamText" ; 0xA98C "_ErrorSound" _GetDItem macro dc.w 0xA98D endm ; 0xA98E "_SetDItem" _SetIText macro dc.w 0xA98F endm ;A99x ========== _GetIText macro dc.w 0xA990 endm _ModalDialog macro dc.w 0xA991 endm ; 0xA992 "_DetachResource" ; 0xA993 "_SetResPurge" ; 0xA994 "_CurResFile" ; 0xA995 "_InitResources" ; 0xA996 "_RsrcZoneInit" _OpenResFile macro dc.w 0xA997 endm _UseResFile macro dc.w 0xA998 endm ; 0xA999 "_UpdateResFile" ; 0xA99B "_SetResLoad" ; 0xA99C "_CountResources" ; 0xA99D "_GetIndResource" ; 0xA99E "_CountTypes" ; 0xA99F "_GetIndType" _CloseResFile macro dc.w 0xA99A endm ;A9Ax ========== _GetResource macro dc.w 0xA9A0 endm _GetNamedResource macro dc.w 0xA9A1 endm _LoadResource macro dc.w 0xA9A2 endm ; 0xA9A3 "_ReleaseResource" _HomeResFile macro dc.w 0xA9A4 endm ; 0xA9A5 "_SizeRsrc" ; 0xA9A6 "_GetResAttrs" ; 0xA9A7 "_SetResAttrs" ; 0xA9A8 "_GetResInfo" ; 0xA9A9 "_SetResInfo" ; 0xA9AA "_ChangedResource" ; 0xA9AB "_AddResource" ; 0xA9AC "_AddReference" ; 0xA9AD "_RmveResource" ; 0xA9AE "_RmveReference" ; 0xA9AF "_ResError" ;A9Bx ========== ; 0xA9B0 "_WriteResource" ; 0xA9B1 "_CreateResFile" ; 0xA9B2 "_SystemEvent" _SystemClick macro dc.w 0xA9B3 endm _SystemTask macro dc.w 0xA9B4 endm ; 0xA9B5 "_SystemMenu" _OpenDeskAcc macro dc.w 0xA9B6 endm ; 0xA9B7 "_CloseDeskAcc" ; 0xA9B8 "_GetPattern" ; 0xA9B9 "_GetCursor" ; 0xA9BA "_GetString" ; 0xA9BB "_GetIcon" ; 0xA9BC "_GetPicture" _GetNewWindow macro dc.w 0xA9BD endm ; 0xA9BE "_GetNewControl" _GetRMenu macro dc.w 0xA9BF endm ;A9Cx ========== ; 0xA9C0 "_GetNewMBar" ; 0xA9C1 "_UniqueID" _SysEdit macro dc.w 0xA9C2 ; A9C3 not used? ; 0xA9C4 "_OpenRFPerm" ; 0xA9C5 "_RsrcMapEntry" endm _Secs2Date macro dc.w 0xA9C6 endm _Date2Secs macro dc.w 0xA9C7 endm ; 0xA9C8 "_SysBeep" _SysError macro dc.w 0xA9C9 endm ; 0xA9CA "_PutIcon" _TEGetText macro dc.w 0xA9CB endm _TEInit macro dc.w 0xA9CC endm _TEDispose macro dc.w 0xA9CD endm ; 0xA9CE "_TextBox" _TESetText macro dc.w 0xA9CF endm ;A9Dx ========== _TECalText macro dc.w 0xA9D0 endm _TESetSelect macro dc.w 0xA9D1 endm _TENew macro dc.w 0xA9D2 endm _TEUpdate macro dc.w 0xA9D3 endm _TEClick macro dc.w 0xA9D4 endm _TECopy macro dc.w 0xA9D5 endm _TECut macro dc.w 0xA9D6 endm _TEDelete macro dc.w 0xA9D7 endm _TEActivate macro dc.w 0xA9D8 endm _TEDeactivate macro dc.w 0xA9D9 endm _TEIdle macro dc.w 0xA9DA endm _TEPaste macro dc.w 0xA9DB endm _TEKey macro dc.w 0xA9DC ; 0xA9DD "_TEScroll" endm _TEInsert macro dc.w 0xA9DE endm _TESetJust macro dc.w 0xA9DF endm ;A9Ex ========== ; 0xA9E0 "_Munger" ; 0xA9E1 "_HandToHand" ; 0xA9E2 "_PtrToXHand" ; 0xA9E3 "_PtrToHand" ; 0xA9E4 "_HandAndHand" _InitPack macro dc.w 0xA9E5 endm ; 0xA9E6 "_InitAllPacks" ; 0xA9E7 "_Pack0" ; 0xA9E8 "_Pack1" ; 0xA9E9 "_Pack2" ; (Disk Initialization) _Pack3 macro ; // (Standard File Package) dc.w 0xA9EA endm ; 0xA9EB "_Pack4" // (FP68K) ; 0xA9EC "_Pack5" // (Elems68K) ; 0xA9ED "_Pack6" // (Intl Utilites Package) ; 0xA9EE "_Pack7" // (Bin/Dec Conversion) ; 0xA9EF "_PtrAndHand" ;A9Fx ========== _LoadSeg macro dc.w 0xA9F0 endm _UnloadSeg macro dc.w 0xA9F1 endm ; 0xA9F2 "_Launch" ; 0xA9F3 "_Chain" ; 0xA9F4 "_ExitToShell" ; 0xA9F5 "_GetAppParms" ; 0xA9F6 "_GetResFileAttrs" ; 0xA9F7 "_SetResFileAttrs" ; 0xA9F9 "_InfoScrap" _UnlodeScrap macro dc.w 0xA9FA endm _LodeScrap macro dc.w 0xA9FB endm _ZeroScrap macro dc.w 0xA9FC endm _GetScrap macro dc.w 0xA9FD endm _PutScrap macro dc.w 0xA9FE endm _MacsBug macro dc.w 0xA9FF endm _MacsBugStr macro dc.w 0xABFF endm ; ============== if 0 macro dc.w endm macro dc.w endm macro dc.w endm macro dc.w endm macro dc.w endm macro dc.w endm endif