// disscrn.cpp // ncurses-based screen handling for disassembler #include "disscrn.h" #include "dissave.h" #include "discpu.h" #include "discmt.h" #include #include //#define DEBUG_POS // show debug info of cursor pos, etc. #define CRLF "\r\n\e[0K" #define BEL "\x07" // global screen handler object DisScrn scrn; // control-C status flag bool DisScrn::_ctrl_c = false; // ===================================================== // dispatch table for single-char commands struct cmd_char_t { char key; void (DisScrn::* func)(void); }; struct cmd_char_t char_cmds[] = { // { 'q', &DisScrn::do_cmd_q }, // exit program { 'a', &DisScrn::do_cmd_a }, // disasssemble as ascii { 'b', &DisScrn::do_cmd_b }, // disasssemble as bytes { 'h', &DisScrn::do_cmd_h }, // disassemble as hex { 'w', &DisScrn::do_cmd_w }, // disassemble as words { 0x17, &DisScrn::do_cmd_w1 }, // disassemble as word address minus one { 'W', &DisScrn::do_cmd_W }, // shft-W disassemble as reverse words { '\\', &DisScrn::do_cmd_lng }, // disassemble as longs { 'd', &DisScrn::do_cmd_d }, // disassemble as decimal word { 'D', &DisScrn::do_cmd_D }, // disassemble as decimal long { 'I', &DisScrn::do_cmd_I }, // disassemble as binary { 'X', &DisScrn::do_cmd_X }, // disassemble as big-endian binary X { '_', &DisScrn::do_cmd_ebc }, // disasssemble as ebcdic { 'O', &DisScrn::do_cmd_O }, // disassemble as little-endian binary O { 'o', &DisScrn::do_cmd_o }, // disassemble as offset table entry { '|', &DisScrn::do_cmd_rl }, // shft-\ disassemble as reverse longs { '*', &DisScrn::do_cmd_rpt }, // repeat previous b/w/|/a/h command { 'x', &DisScrn::do_cmd_x }, // disassemble as raw { 'c', &DisScrn::do_cmd_c }, // disassemble as code { 'C', &DisScrn::do_cmd_C }, // disassemble as code until lfflag or illegal { 'T', &DisScrn::do_cmd_T }, // shft-T trace disassembly from _sel { 0x14, &DisScrn::do_cmd_cT }, // ctrl-T trace disassembly from refaddr { '^', &DisScrn::do_cmd_lbl }, // toggle label type at refaddr { 0x0C, &DisScrn::do_cmd_cL }, // ctrl-L toggle label type { 'L', &DisScrn::do_cmd_cL }, // shift-L toggle label type { 'l', &DisScrn::do_cmd_L }, // L toggle pre-instruction blank line { 0x12, &DisScrn::do_cmd_cR }, // ctrl-R toggle NOREF for this code address { 0x15, &DisScrn::do_cmd_cU }, // ctrl-U save undo buffer { 'U', &DisScrn::do_cmd_U }, // shft-U swap undo buffer { '[', &DisScrn::do_cmd_prv }, // go to previous label { ']', &DisScrn::do_cmd_nxt }, // go to next label { '<', &DisScrn::do_cmd_bak }, // go to previous address from @ or :addr { '>', &DisScrn::do_cmd_fwd }, // go to next stacked address from @ or :addr { '@', &DisScrn::do_cmd_ref }, // go to refaddr { '(', &DisScrn::do_cmd_les }, // less data { ')', &DisScrn::do_cmd_mor }, // more data { '`', &DisScrn::do_cmd_cen }, // recenter screen { '~', &DisScrn::do_cmd_top }, // move selecton to near top of screen { '!', &DisScrn::do_cmd_cln }, // clean up current label if not referenced { '"', &DisScrn::do_cmd_hint }, // toggle hint flags in current instr { '$', &DisScrn::do_cmd_defhint }, // toggle default hint flags { 0, NULL } }; // ===================================================== // dispatch table for command-line commands struct cmd_line_t { const char *cmd; void (DisScrn::* func)(char *p); }; struct cmd_line_t line_cmds[] = { { "quit", &DisScrn::do_cmd_quit }, // "quit" - exit program { "q", &DisScrn::do_cmd_quit }, // "q" - exit program { "lst", &DisScrn::do_cmd_list }, // "lst" - save disassembly listing { "list", &DisScrn::do_cmd_list }, // "list" - save disassembly listing { "l", &DisScrn::do_cmd_label }, // "l" - set/clear a label { "label", &DisScrn::do_cmd_label }, // "label" - set/clear a label { "asm" , &DisScrn::do_cmd_asm }, // "asm" - save asm source listing { "save", &DisScrn::do_cmd_save }, // "save" - save disassembly state { "wq", &DisScrn::do_cmd_wq }, // "wq" - save state and quit { "w", &DisScrn::do_cmd_save }, // "w" - save disassembly state { "load", &DisScrn::do_cmd_load }, // "load" - load binary and disassembly state // { "l", &DisScrn::do_cmd_load }, // "l" - load binary and disassembly state // { "new", &DisScrn::do_cmd_new }, // "new" - unload current file { "rst", &DisScrn::do_cmd_rst }, // "rst" - set lengths after Z80 RST instrs // { "go", &DisScrn::do_cmd_go }, // "go" - go to address // { "g", &DisScrn::do_cmd_go }, // "g" - go to address { "$", &DisScrn::do_cmd_end }, // "$" - go to end { "cpu", &DisScrn::do_cmd_cpu }, // "cpu" - set default CPU type { "defcpu", &DisScrn::do_cmd_defcpu }, // "defcpu" - set default CPU type { "tab", &DisScrn::do_cmd_tab }, // "tab" - set/show tab stops { "tabs", &DisScrn::do_cmd_tab }, // "tabs" - set/show tab stops { NULL, NULL } }; // ===================================================== // handle SIGINT // Control-C signal handler void finish(int sig) { // let the application handle control-C if (sig == SIGINT) { scrn.ctrl_c(); return; } end_screen(); // ===== do your non-curses wrapup here exit(0); } // ===================================================== // SIGWINCH signal handler static bool sigwinched = false; void sigwinch(int UNUSED sig) { // use a flag instead of trying to do ncurses calls // in what could be an interrupt context sigwinched = true; } // ===================================================== extern "C" void my_assert_func(const char *expr, const char *file, int line) { // clear the screen and exit curses end_screen(); printf("%s:%d assertion failed: '%s'\n", file, line, expr); #if 0 printf("_start = %.4X:%d\n", (int) scrn._start.addr, scrn._start.line); printf("_top = %.4X:%d\n", (int) scrn._top.addr, scrn._top.line); printf("_sel = %.4X:%d\n", (int) scrn._sel.addr, scrn._sel.line); printf("_end = %.4X:%d\n", (int) scrn._end.addr, scrn._end.line); printf("_sel_row = %3d\n", scrn._sel_row); // printf("curs_row = %3d\n", screen_row(_sel)); // printf("end_row = %3d\n", screen_row(_end)); printf("max_row() = %3d\n", scrn.max_row()); printf("get_len() = %3d\n", scrn._sel.get_len()); printf("attr = %.2X\n", rom.get_attr(scrn._sel.addr)); #endif exit(0); } // ===================================================== void setup_screen() { // set up curses initscr(); // initialize the curses library keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // enable extended function key mapping set_escdelay(25); // set escape delay of 25ms to allow ESC key nonl(); // tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output cbreak(); // take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n noecho(); // don't echo input #if 0 // disable colors for now if (has_colors()) { start_color(); // Simple color assignment, often all we need. Color pair 0 cannot // be redefined. This example uses the same value for the color // pair as for the foreground color, though of course that is not // necessary: init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(4, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(5, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(7, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); } #endif // set up signal handlers signal(SIGINT, finish); // ctrl-C signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); // disable ctrl-Z signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); // disable ctrl-backslash // set up (proper) SIGWINCH handler // apparently it needs to be registered without the SA_RESTART flag // whatever that means: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53822353/ struct sigaction old_action; struct sigaction new_action; new_action.sa_handler = sigwinch; new_action.sa_flags = 0; // no flags! sigemptyset(&new_action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGWINCH, &new_action, &old_action); // set up non-blocking keyboard input to allow eating ctrl-C's timeout(500); } // ===================================================== void end_screen() { // clean up after curses endwin(); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::ctrl_c() { // flag was not cleared, something probably got wedged // this means that if something hangs, you can still // press ctrl-C twice to get out if (_ctrl_c) { // try to clean up the terminal before exiting finish(0); } // set the flag _ctrl_c = true; } // ===================================================== // // displays debug information on the screen // called at the end of print_screen() void DisScrn::debug_info() { int row = 1; // first row for debug info int col = 80; // column for debug info wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " _start = %.4X:%d ", (int) _start.addr, (int) _start.line); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " _top = %.4X:%d ", (int) _top.addr, (int) _top.line); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " _sel = %.4X:%d ", (int) _sel.addr, (int) _sel.line); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " _end = %.4X:%d ", (int) _end.addr, (int) _end.line); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " _sel_row = %3d ", _sel_row); // wmove(_win, row++, col); // wprintw(_win, " curs_row = %3d ", screen_row(_sel)); // wmove(_win, row++, col); // wprintw(_win, " end_row = %3d ", screen_row(_end)); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " max_row() = %3d ", max_row()); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " get_len() = %3d ", _sel.get_len()); wmove(_win, row++, col); wprintw(_win, " attr = %.2X ", rom.get_attr(_sel.addr)); // spit it out wrefresh(_win); } // ===================================================== // void init_scrn() // // This initializes the screen handler object. // // Note that an explicit constructor is not used, to avoid potential // problems with it calling other objects. The screen handler object // is declared at global scope and there is not a definited order // for constructors. void DisScrn::init_scrn(bool reset) { disline.get_start_addr(_start); // start address disline.get_end_addr(_end); // line *after* last line _sel_row = 0; _count = 0; _win = stdscr; _in_input = 0; _cmd[0] = 0; _err[0] = 0; _errbeep = false; _search[0] = 0; _quit = false; _rpt_key = 0; _rpt_count = 1; memset(_goto_stk, 0, sizeof _goto_stk); _goto_sp = 0; if (reset) { _top = _start; _sel = _start; } else { recenter(); } print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // push address to _goto_stk void DisScrn::push_addr(addr_t addr, addr_t next) { // don't push a null if (!addr) { return; } if (_goto_sp == GOTO_SIZE) { // stack is full, just drop the oldest one for (int i = 0; i < GOTO_SIZE - 1; i++) { _goto_stk[i] = _goto_stk[i+1]; } _goto_sp--; } _goto_stk[_goto_sp++] = addr; // try to push forward the "next" address if (next) { push_addr(next); _goto_sp--; } } // ===================================================== // pop address from _goto_stk addr_t DisScrn::pop_addr() { // stack is empty, return fail if (_goto_sp == 0) { return 0; } return _goto_stk[--_goto_sp]; } // ===================================================== // un-pop address from _goto_stk addr_t DisScrn::un_pop_addr() { // already at end if (_goto_sp == GOTO_SIZE) { return 0; } if (_goto_stk[_goto_sp + 1]) { return _goto_stk[++_goto_sp]; } return 0; } // ===================================================== // returns the screen row which contains ad (starting at _top) // returns -1 if before _top // returns -2 if beyond max_row() int DisScrn::screen_row(addrline_t ad) const { // check if sel is before top of screen if (ad.addr < _top.addr) { return -1; } // count lines from _top until ad addrline_t addr = _top; int row = 0; while (row <= max_row()) { if (addr == ad) { // selection found return row; } if (addr == _end) { // ad is after _end, (but it shouldn't be) break; } addr.next_line(); row++; } // past end of screen return -2; } // ===================================================== // attempts to make sure that _sel is on the screen void DisScrn::set_sel_line(int row) { // set _top to 'row' lines before _sel, stopping at _start addrline_t addr = _sel; for (int i = 0; i < row && addr != _start; i++) { addr.prev_line(); } _top = addr; // if _end is on screen, try to keep it at bottom of screen // find the screen row of the _end line int end_row = screen_row(_end); if (end_row >= 0 && end_row < max_row()) { // need to move screen back down by "max_row() - end_row" lines // but if _top ever reaches _start then stop // (because the screen is bigger than entire file) for (int i = max_row() - end_row; (i > 0) && (_top != _start); i--) { _top.prev_line(); } } } // ===================================================== // attempts to make sure that _sel is on the screen // strict == true ensures that the selection is not // too close to the bottom or top of the screen void DisScrn::recenter(bool strict) { // thresholds are numlines/5 and numlines*4/5 int threshold = max_row() / 5; if (threshold > 10) { threshold = 10; } // find the screen row of _sel int row = screen_row(_sel); if (row == -1) { // if _sel is before _top, count back threshold from _sel and set _top set_sel_line(threshold); return; } if (row == -2) { // if _sel is after _top + maxrows, // try to place _top at 3/4 threshold back from _sel set_sel_line(max_row() - threshold); return; } // positive row number is on screen, may not need to re-center if (strict) { // if in first 1/4 of screen, move _top back if (row < threshold) { set_sel_line(threshold); return; } // if in last 1/4 of screen, move _top forward if (row > max_row() - threshold) { set_sel_line(max_row() - threshold); return; } } } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::error(const char *s) { if (s && s[0] == 0x07 /* BEL */) { _errbeep = true; s++; } if (s && s[0]) { // if error message, save it and clear count strcpy(_err, s); _count = 0; } else { // no error message, just clear it _err[0] = 0; } status_line(); wrefresh(_win); } // ===================================================== // void print_line(int addr, int UNUSED sub_line) // // This print one line of the screen. // - addr = the address of the line being printed // - sub_line = which line of the address to print // void DisScrn::print_line(struct addrline_t addr) { // use DisLine char s[256]; // storage for line text disline.get_text(addr, s); // check remaining width of screen int w = getmaxx(_win) - getcurx(_win); if (strlen(s) >= w) { strcpy(s + w - 3, "..."); } wprintw(_win, "%s", s); // return number of lines to advance? // (in future, possibly return negative if more sub_lines?) } // ===================================================== // void set_cursor(void); // void DisScrn::set_cursor() { if (_in_input) { wmove(_win, /*row=*/ 0, /*col=*/ _cmd_pos - _cmd_col + 1); } else { // put cursor on right edge of screen to indicate scroll position // note that this is based on address, not lines, so "long" lines // will scroll faster! float pos = (float) (_sel.addr - _start.addr) / (float) rom._size * (float) (max_row()); wmove(_win, /*row=*/ 1 + (int) (pos + 0.5), /*col=*/ getmaxx(_win) - 1); } } // ===================================================== // void status_line(void); // void DisScrn::status_line() { wmove(_win, /*row=*/ 0, /*col=*/ 0); if (_in_input) { // display current command // default to start with prompt character char c = _in_input; // determine max width of command line in the window int maxwid = getmaxx(_win) - 2; // compute X position of cursor int xpos = _cmd_pos - _cmd_col; // check if beyond either edge of the command line space if (xpos < 0) { // before left edge, add xpos to _cmd_col, max 0 _cmd_col += xpos; if (_cmd_col < 0) { _cmd_col = 0; } } else if (xpos > maxwid) { // after right edge, add xpos - maxwid to _cmd_col _cmd_col += xpos - maxwid; } // determine how much of _cmd is after _cmd_col int n = strlen(_cmd + _cmd_col); if (n > maxwid) { n = maxwid; } n += _cmd_col; // if not at first char, start the line with '<' character if (_cmd_col) { // start with a '<' to show that something is off to the left c = '<'; } // see if end of string is outside the window range char cc = _cmd[n]; if (cc) { // temporarily lop off the end of _cmd _cmd[n] = 0; } // print what can be shown wprintw(_win, "%c%s", c, _cmd + _cmd_col); if (cc) { // start with a '>' to show that something is off to the right wprintw(_win, ">"); _cmd[n] = cc; } wclrtoeol(_win); } else { // display status bar, in inverse video wattron(_win, A_REVERSE); #if 0 // what to display? I dunno, how about the current address? if (defCpu->_addrwid == ADDR_16) { wprintw(_win, " ADDR = %.4X", _sel.addr); } else { wprintw(_win, " ADDR = %.6X", _sel.addr); } #endif if (_count) { wprintw(_win, " COUNT = %d", _count); } if (_err[0]) { wprintw(_win, " %s", _err); } // fill from cursor column to width-1 with inverse blanks for (int i = getcurx(_win); i < getmaxx(_win)-1; i++) { waddch(_win, ' '); } wattroff(_win, A_REVERSE); } set_cursor(); } // ===================================================== // void print_screen() // // This refreshes the entire disasembly display. // It seems rather wasteful to redraw the entire screen after // every key, but ncurses will (should) optimize redraw for us. void DisScrn::print_screen() { // recovery attempt in case _sel_row has fallen off the screen // don't want to do this recursively because it's much more difficult // to do it exactly once that way bool tried = false; TryAgain: // set disassembly to screen format disline.line_cols = disline.SCRN_COLS; // ensure that we haven't gone off the rails // how can this happen? // - be on a raw byte (mData) // - do a trace disassembly // - the byte you are sitting on becomes an instruction // - but not the first byte of the instruction // check that _sel line is not ATTR_CONT while (rom.get_attr(_sel.addr) & ATTR_CONT) { _sel.addr--; _sel.line = 0; } // check that _top line is not ATTR_CONT while (rom.get_attr(_top.addr) & ATTR_CONT) { _top.addr--; _top.line = 0; } // check that _sel sub-line is in range int n = _sel.num_lines(); if (_sel.line >= n) { _sel.line = n - 1; } // check that _top sub-line is in range n = _top.num_lines(); if (_top.line >= n) { _top.line = n - 1; } #if 0 // now ensure that _sel hasn't sneaked above _top if ((_sel.addr < _top.addr) || ((_sel.addr == _top.addr) && (_sel.line < _top.line))) { _top = _sel; } #else // try to make sure that _sel is on screen recenter(); #endif struct addrline_t addr = _top; // get top line of screen _sel_row = -1; // default to selected row not yet found // print status line status_line(); // loop to print visible rows // note that row=0, col=0 is top left of screen for (int row = 0; row <= max_row(); row++) { // go to line of display wmove(_win, row+1, /*col=*/ 0); // if this is the selected address and line, highlight it bool inverse = (addr == _sel); if (inverse) { _sel_row = row; // _sel_row has been found wattron(_win, A_REVERSE); } // print the line for that row, then advance to next addr/line print_line(addr); // unfortunately wclrtoeol() doesn't propagate the reverse attribute if (inverse) { // fill from cursor column to width-1 with inverse blanks for (int i = getcurx(_win); i < getmaxx(_win)-1; i++) { waddch(_win, ' '); } } wclrtoeol(_win); // clear attributes for next line wattroff(_win, A_REVERSE); // stop if at END line, otherwise advance to next line if (addr == _end) { break; } addr.next_line(); } // clear rest of screen just in case wclrtobot(_win); #ifdef DEBUG_POS debug_info(); #endif // put cursor on highlighted line set_cursor(); // mark screen for refresh wrefresh(_win); // problem if _sel_row not found // what to do if this happens? probably could set _top = _sel and try again // might also want to check if it's > max_row() if (_sel_row < 0 && !tried) { _top = _sel; tried = true; goto TryAgain; } else { assert(_sel_row >= 0); } } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_quit(char *p) { char word[256]; int token = GetWord(p, word); if (!rom._changed || token == '!') { _quit = true; } error("file changed, use :wq or :q! to exit"); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_list(char UNUSED *p) { disline.write_listing("lst"); char s[256+21]; sprintf(s, "listing saved to %s.lst", rom._fname); error(s); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_asm(char UNUSED *p) { disline.write_asm("asm"); char s[256+21]; sprintf(s, "listing saved to %s.asm", (char *) rom._fname); error(s); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_save(char UNUSED *p) { DisSave save; save.save_file(); char s[256+10]; sprintf(s, "saved %s.ctl", (char *) rom._fname); error(s); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_wq(char UNUSED *p) { *p = 0; do_cmd_save(p); do_cmd_quit(p); } // ===================================================== // :load "filename" void DisScrn::do_cmd_load(char *p) { DisSave save; // attempt to get filename char fname[256] = {0}; GetString(p, fname); // reload same file if fname is "-" if (fname[0] == '-' && fname[1] == 0) { strcpy(fname, rom._fname); } if (!fname[0]) { error("no binary file name specified"); return; } // get ofs, base, size if entered char word[256]; size_t ofs = 0; addr_t base = 0; size_t size = 0; int force = 0; int token = GetWord(p, word); while (token && !_err[0]) { if (token == '!') { force |= save.FORCE_FNAME; } else { // make sure parameter is hexadecimal if (!HexValid(word+1)) { error("invalid hex parameter"); } else switch (tolower(word[0])) { case 'b': base = HexVal(word+1); force |= save.FORCE_BASE; break; case 's': size = HexVal(word+1); force |= save.FORCE_SIZE; break; case 'o': ofs = HexVal(word+1); force |= save.FORCE_OFS; break; default: error("invalid parameter"); break; } } token = GetWord(p, word); } if (!_err[0]) { // now try to load the file if (save.load_file(fname, ofs, base, size, force)) { // failed to load, don't reset screen pointers // binary data has been cleared if failure during load return; } init_scrn(false); // do not reset saved _top and _sel } } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_new(char UNUSED *p) { rom.unload(); init_scrn(); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_rst(char UNUSED *p) { char word[256]; if (GetWord(p, word)) { // confirm eight digits if (strlen(word) == sizeof rom._rst_xtra) { p = word; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof rom._rst_xtra; i++) { if (!isdigit(*p)) { goto err; } rom._rst_xtra[i] = *p++ - '0'; } } else { err: error("RST lengths must be 8 digits"); return; } } // show current rst_xtra p = stpcpy(word, "RST lengths = "); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof rom._rst_xtra; i++) { *p++ = rom._rst_xtra[i] + '0'; } *p = 0; // force screen update to re-scan any visible RST instrs print_screen(); error(word); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_go(char *p) { char word[256]; if (GetWord(p, word)) { int addr = HexVal(word); // if before start of binary image, use start address if (addr < rom._base) { addr = rom._base; } // if not beyond end of binary image, go to address if (addr <= rom.get_end()) { // save current _sel.addr on stack push_addr(_sel.addr, addr); // select line and redraw screen _sel.line_start(addr); recenter(true); print_screen(); return; } } error("invalid address"); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_end(char UNUSED *p) { _sel.line_start(_end.addr); recenter(true); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_cpu(char *p) { char word[256]; if (GetWord(p, word)) { class CPU *cpu = CPU::get_cpu(word); if (cpu) { cpu->set_cur_cpu(); sprintf(word, "current CPU type is now '%s'", cpu->_name); error(word); print_screen(); return; } } else { sprintf(word, "current CPU type = '%s'", curCpu->_name); error(word); return; } error("invalid CPU type"); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_defcpu(char *p) { char word[256]; if (GetWord(p, word)) { class CPU *cpu = CPU::get_cpu(word); if (cpu) { cpu->set_def_cpu(); sprintf(word, "default CPU type is now '%s'", cpu->_name); error(word); print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " endian = %d ", generic._endian); #endif return; } } else { sprintf(word, "default CPU type = '%s'", defCpu->_name); error(word); return; } error("invalid CPU type"); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_tab(char *p) { char s[256]; if (*p) { int tab = 0; DisLine::hard_tabs = false; while (*p && tab < disline.T_NTABS - 1) { int token = GetWord(p, s); if (token == '!') { //***FIXME: this should only be allowed as the first parm DisLine::hard_tabs = true; } else { int n = DecVal(s); if (!n) { error("invalid parameter"); return; } //***FIXME: should complain if hard tabs and not a multiple of 8 disline.tabs[tab++] = n; } } print_screen(); } sprintf(s, "current tab stops are: %c %d %d %d %d %d", disline.hard_tabs ? '!' : ' ', disline.tabs[0], disline.tabs[1], disline.tabs[2], disline.tabs[3], disline.tabs[4]); error(s); } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_cmd_label(char *p) { char word[256]; char str[256]; int token = GetString(p, word); addr_t addr = _sel.addr; str[0] = 0; if (token) { //***TODO: check here for hexadecimal word, if found, change addr // convert label to uppercase for (char *p = word; *p; p++) { *p = toupper(*p); } strcpy(str, word); } else { // if no parameter, delete label at current address } // see if label name has changed const char *old = sym.get_sym(addr); if (!old || strcmp(old, str)) { sym.set_sym(addr, str); rom._changed = true; print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // int do_cmd_line() // // This handles a command in '_cmd' // Returns non-zero to exit program. void DisScrn::do_cmd_line() { // get first word as command char word[256]; char *line = _cmd; GetWord(line, word); // search for command in line_cmds table for (cmd_line_t *p = line_cmds; p->cmd; p++) { if (strcasecmp(word, p->cmd)==0) { error(NULL); // call command with pointer to parameters (scrn.*(p->func))(line); return; } } // check if it's a valid hex address if (HexValid(word)) { // // note: don't check for less than _start // if (HexVal(word) <= _start.addr) { do_cmd_go(word); return; // } } error("invalid command"); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // remove doubled blanks from s const char *rem_blank(char *s) { char last = 0; for (char *p = s; *p; p++) { if (last != ' ' || *p != ' ') { *s++ = *p; } last = *p; } *s = 0; return s; } // ===================================================== // find the next/previous line matching _search void DisScrn::do_search(bool UNUSED fwd) { // remove excess blanks from search string char search[sizeof _search]; strcpy(search, _search); rem_blank(search); // can't search for an empty string if (!search[0]) { return; } struct addrline_t addr = _sel; // width of the address and hex data fields const int skiphex = abs(DisLine::tabs[DisLine::T_ADDR]) + abs(DisLine::tabs[DisLine::T_HEX]); bool wrapped = false; // needed to avoid infinite loop! while (true) { // move forward/back one line if (fwd) { // forward search // if current line is not _end, move to next line if (addr != _end) { addr.next_line(); } // if next line is _end, wrap around if (addr == _end) { addr = _start; error("wrapped around..."); _errbeep = true; // special case if search started at _end if (wrapped && _sel == _end) { break; } wrapped = true; } } else { // reverse search // if current line is _start, wrap around if (addr == _start) { addr = _end; error("wrapped around..."); _errbeep = true; // special case if search started at _end if (_sel == _end) { break; } } addr.prev_line(); } // check if finished wrapping around if (addr == _sel) { break; } // disassemble current line char s[256]; // storage for line text disline.get_text(addr, s); if (strlen(s) >= skiphex) { // blank lines happen! memcpy(s, s+skiphex, strlen(s)-skiphex+1); // remove addr/data rem_blank(s); // remove excess blanks from s // if found, move screen to show line and set _sel if (strcasestr(s, search)) { _sel = addr; recenter(true); print_screen(); return; } } } char s[256]; sprintf(s, "not found: %s", search); error(s); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // attempt to load a comment for the current line // returns false if comments are not allowed for the line bool DisScrn::load_comment() { // must be "line 0" or "line 1 && ATTR_LF0" if (rom._base <= _sel.addr && _sel.addr < rom.get_end() && _sel.line - !!(rom.get_attr(_sel.addr) & ATTR_LF0) == 0) { // default to no comment _cmd[0] = 0; // attempt to get comment for the address const char *s = cmt.get_sym(_sel.addr); if (s) { strcpy(_cmd, s); } _cmd_col = 0; _cmd_pos = strlen(_cmd); // start at end of _cmd return true; } return false; } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::do_comment() { // updated comment string is in _cmd // comment address is in _sel.addr // see if comment has changed const char *old = cmt.get_sym(_sel.addr); if (!old || strcmp(old, _cmd)) { cmt.set_sym(_sel.addr, _cmd); rom._changed = true; print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mAscii void DisScrn::do_cmd_a() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 60) { len = 60; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'a'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mAscii); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mAscii void DisScrn::do_cmd_ebc() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 60) { len = 60; // cap the length } _rpt_key = '_'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mEbcdic); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mByte void DisScrn::do_cmd_b() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 32) { len = 32; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'b'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mByte); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mHex void DisScrn::do_cmd_h() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 32) { len = 32; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'h'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mHex); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mWord void DisScrn::do_cmd_w() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 20) { len = 20; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'w'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 2, mWord); down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mWord1 // Note that the maximum count is 1. The purpose of mWord1 // is to allow "word+1" to be an address reference, for 6502 // jump tables, and only one reference is supported per line. void DisScrn::do_cmd_w1() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 1) { len = 1; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 0x17; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 2, mWord1); down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mRWord void DisScrn::do_cmd_W() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 20) { len = 20; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'W'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 2, mRWord); down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mDecW void DisScrn::do_cmd_d() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 20) { len = 20; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'd'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 2, mDecW); down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mDecL void DisScrn::do_cmd_D() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 16) { len = 16; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'D'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 4, mDecL); down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mBin void DisScrn::do_cmd_I() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 16) { len = 16; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'I'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mBin); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mBinX void DisScrn::do_cmd_X() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 16) { len = 16; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'X'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mBinX); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mBinO void DisScrn::do_cmd_O() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 16) { len = 16; // cap the length } _rpt_key = 'O'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mBinO); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mOfs void DisScrn::do_cmd_o() { // set up for repeat _rpt_key = 'O'; _rpt_count = 0; // the hard part is getting the refaddr for the label! addr_t addr = _sel.addr; (void) addr; char opcode[20] = {0}; char parms[256] = {0}; int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; // set the instruction type rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, 2, mOfs); #if 0 printf(" *** addr=%.8X len=%d attr=%.2X type=%.2X mOfs=%.2X ***\r\n", (int) _sel.addr, rom.get_len(_sel.addr), rom.get_attr(_sel.addr), rom.get_type(_sel.addr), mOfs); fflush(stdout); #endif // disassemble the instruction to get refaddr generic.dis_line(_sel.addr, opcode, parms, lfref, refaddr); // REFFLAG should be true, but might not because of // stuff like odd addresses or outside of rom area if ((lfref & REFFLAG)) { // make a label if the refaddr doesn't already have one if (!(rom.get_attr(refaddr) & ATTR_LMASK)) { int type = ATTR_LDATA; // is it already disassembled as the start of an opcode? if (!(rom.get_attr(refaddr) & ATTR_CONT) && rom.get_type(refaddr) >= mCode) { type = ATTR_LCODE; } rom.set_attr_flag(refaddr, type); } } // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mLong void DisScrn::do_cmd_lng() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 16) { len = 16; // cap the length, note that 20 longs = 259 bytes } _rpt_key = '\\'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 4, mLong); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mRLong void DisScrn::do_cmd_rl() { // first get the line length int len = _count; _count = 0; if (len == 0) { len = 1; } if (len > 16) { len = 16; // cap the length, note that 20 longs = 259 bytes } _rpt_key = '|'; _rpt_count = len; rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len * 4, mRLong); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // change this line to code void DisScrn::do_cmd_c() { int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; // if after code line, use next address if (_sel.line - rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0) > 0) { down_next_instr(); } if (disline.make_code(_sel.addr, lfref, refaddr) < 0) { error("Illegal instruction"); } // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d lf = %d ", len, lfref); #endif } // ===================================================== // change lines to code until illegal or lfflag void DisScrn::do_cmd_C() { int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; rom.save_undo(); // if after code line, use next address if (_sel.line - rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0) > 0) { down_next_instr(); } while (true) { int ret = disline.make_code(_sel.addr, lfref, refaddr); // stop if illegal instruction if (ret < 0) { //error("Illegal instruction"); break; } // stop if reached already disassembled code if (ret == 0) { break; } //***FIXME: probably need to set ATTR_LCODE on refaddr here // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // stop if lfflag on this instruction if (lfref & LFFLAG) { break; } // stop if rip-stop activated if (lfref & RIPSTOP) { error(BEL "rip-stop activated"); break; } } // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d lf = %d ", len, lfref); #endif } // ===================================================== #define MAX_TRACE_STACK 1024 // maximum trace stack size addr_t trace_stack[MAX_TRACE_STACK] = {0}; // addresses to trace int sp = 0; // next unused location in stack[] void reset_stack() { sp = 0; } // ===================================================== void push_stack(addr_t value) { if (sp > MAX_TRACE_STACK - 1) { return; // yeah, whatever } if (value) { // zero is the special end value trace_stack[sp++] = value; } } // ===================================================== addr_t pop_stack() { if (sp) { return trace_stack[--sp]; } else { return 0; } } // ===================================================== // trace disassemble from addr void DisScrn::do_trace(addr_t addr) { int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; addr_t nextaddr = 0; rom.save_undo(); reset_stack(); bool firsttime = true; // to allow tracing to start at 0000 // loop for every address to trace while (firsttime || addr) { // for every valid instruction while (true) { // stop if end of binary if (addr >= _end.addr) { break; } // disassemble the next instruction and define label if necessary int ret = disline.make_code(addr, lfref, refaddr); // stop if illegal instruction if (ret < 0) { break; } // stop if reached already disassembled code if (ret == 0) { break; } // if CODEREF and target address not already >= mCode, add to stack if ((lfref & CODEREF) && !rom.AddrOutRange(addr) && rom.get_type(refaddr) < mCode) { push_stack(refaddr); } // advance to next instruction addr += rom.get_len(addr); // stop if lfflag on this instruction if (lfref & LFFLAG) { break; } // stop if rip-stop activated if (lfref & RIPSTOP) { error(BEL "rip-stop activated"); break; } } // if this is the end of the first block, save the addr if (firsttime && addr != _sel.addr) { nextaddr = addr; } firsttime = false; // get next address to disassemble addr = pop_stack(); } // set the addr to the end of the first group if (nextaddr) { _sel.line_start(nextaddr); } } // ===================================================== // trace disassemble from _sel void DisScrn::do_cmd_T() { // start at the current _sel address addr_t addr = _sel.addr; if (_sel.line - rom.test_attr(addr, ATTR_LF0) > 0) { // if after code line, use next address addr += _sel.get_len(); } do_trace(addr); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // trace disassemble from refaddr void DisScrn::do_cmd_cT() { // save current selection addrline_t save = _sel; // make current address a word if (rom.get_type(_sel.addr) != mWord) { rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, 2, mWord); } // get refaddr for current line addr_t addr = get_refaddr(); // exit if no refaddr if (!addr) { return; } // don't trace if refaddr is already code for the current CPU if (rom.get_type(addr) != curCpu->_id) { do_trace(addr); // confirm that something happened char s[256]; sprintf(s, "%.4X traced", (int) addr); error(s); } // if addr has no label but now it's code, make a code label if ((rom.get_attr(addr) & ATTR_LMASK) == ATTR_LNONE) { if (rom.get_type(addr) == curCpu->_id) { rom.set_attr(addr, rom.get_attr(addr) | ATTR_LCODE); } } // return cursor to previous selection _sel = save; // move to next sel addr _sel.next_addr(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // clean label if not referenced from elsewhere void DisScrn:: do_cmd_cln() { char s[256]; // get appropriate addr for current line, including $-n labels int line = _sel.line; addr_t label = _sel.addr; if (rom.test_attr(label, ATTR_LF0)) { line--; // remove pre-LF from line count } if (line <= 0) { // on code line or pre-LF line, use selection address // do nothing if line does not have a label if (!rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LMASK)) { label = 0; } } else { // on EQU $-xx line, use the matching offset label while (line--) { // go to next address label++; // find next offset label while (label < rom.get_end() && !(rom.test_attr(label, ATTR_LMASK))) { label++; } // test if end of rom (this really should not happen!) if (label >= rom.get_end()) { return; } } // label should now be the address of the selected line } #if 0 // display label address for debugging if (label) { sprintf(s, "label addr = %.4X", (int) label); error(s); } #endif if (label) { // start at beginning of rom addr_t ad = rom._base; // disassemble every line that is not mData bool found = false; while (ad < rom.get_end()) { int len = 0; if (rom.get_type(ad) != mData && !rom.test_attr(ad, ATTR_CONT)) { // disassemble the address int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; len = disline.get_dis_line(ad, s, lfref, refaddr); // if reference was found, stop looking if ((lfref & (REFFLAG|CODEREF)) && (refaddr == label)) { sprintf(s, "Found label %.4X at %.4X", (int) label, (int) ad); error(s); found = true; break; } } // advance to next instruction if (len) { ad += len; } else { ad++; } } if (!found) { // label was not referenced, so delete it here sprintf(s, "Deleted label at %.4X", (int) label); error(s); rom.clear_attr_flag(label, ATTR_LMASK); } } // recenter(true); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // toggle label type void DisScrn::do_cmd_cL() { // ignore if on LF0 pre-blank line int line = _sel.line; if (rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0)) { if (line == 0) { return; } line--; } // check if it might be an EQU $-n line if (line) { addr_t addr = _sel.addr + 1; while (line) { int attr = rom.get_attr(addr); if (!(attr & ATTR_CONT)) { // past end of instruction group return; } // found a label, count down if (attr & ATTR_LMASK) { line--; } // if not desired label, move to next addr if (line) { addr++; } } // don't cycle it, just turn it off rom.clear_attr_flag(addr, ATTR_LMASK); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); return; } // get current label status int lbl = rom.get_attr(_sel.addr) & ATTR_LMASK; // increment label type (skipping ATTR_LXXXX for now) lbl++; if (lbl > ATTR_LCODE) { lbl = ATTR_LNONE; } // update label type rom.clear_attr_flag(_sel.addr, ATTR_LMASK); rom.set_attr_flag(_sel.addr, lbl); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // toggle label type at refadr void DisScrn::do_cmd_lbl() { char s[256] = {0}; int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; // try to get refadr for current line int len = disline.get_dis_line(_sel.addr, s, lfref, refaddr); wrefresh(_win); if (len > 0 && (lfref & REFFLAG) && (refaddr != 0)) { // get current label status int lbl = rom.get_attr(refaddr) & ATTR_LMASK; // increment label type (skipping ATTR_LXXXX for now) lbl++; if (lbl > ATTR_LCODE) { lbl = ATTR_LNONE; } // update label type rom.clear_attr_flag(refaddr, ATTR_LMASK); rom.set_attr_flag(refaddr, lbl); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // get refadr for _sel, returns zero if none addr_t DisScrn::get_refaddr() { char s[256] = {0}; int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; // try to get refadr for current line int len = disline.get_dis_line(_sel.addr, s, lfref, refaddr); // check that instruction is valid has a refaddr if (len > 0 && (lfref & REFFLAG) && (refaddr != 0)) { // if in image range, return the refaddr if (rom._base <= refaddr && refaddr <= rom.get_end()) { return refaddr; } } return 0; } // ===================================================== // goto refaddr void DisScrn::do_cmd_ref() { addr_t refaddr = get_refaddr(); if (refaddr) { // save current _sel.addr on stack push_addr(_sel.addr, refaddr); // select line and redraw screen _sel.line_start(refaddr); recenter(true); print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // goto previous label void DisScrn::do_cmd_prv() { if (_sel.addr > rom._base) { _sel.prev_addr(); while (_sel.addr > rom._base && !rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LMASK)) { // find previous line _sel.prev_addr(); } // check for pre-LF line if (rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0)) { _sel.next_line(); } recenter(true); print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // goto next label void DisScrn::do_cmd_nxt() { if (_sel.addr < rom.get_end()) { _sel.next_addr(); while (_sel.addr < rom.get_end() && !rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LMASK)) { // find next line _sel.next_addr(); } // check for pre-LF line if (rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0)) { _sel.next_line(); } recenter(true); print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // goto stacked addr void DisScrn::do_cmd_bak() { addr_t addr = pop_addr(); if (addr) { // select line and redraw screen _sel.line_start(addr); recenter(true); print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // goto next stacked addr void DisScrn::do_cmd_fwd() { addr_t addr = un_pop_addr(); if (addr) { // select line and redraw screen _sel.line_start(addr); recenter(true); print_screen(); } } // ===================================================== // max length and element size for each data type struct types_info_t { uint8_t typ; // type code uint8_t max; // maximum number of elements on a line uint8_t siz; // element size } types_info[] = { { mByte, 32, 1 }, { mWord, 20, 2 }, { mLong, 16, 4 }, { mAscii, 60, 1 }, { mRWord, 20, 2 }, { mRLong, 16, 4 }, { mHex, 32, 1 }, { mBin, 16, 1 }, { mBinX, 16, 1 }, { mBinO, 16, 1 }, { mEbcdic, 60, 1 }, { mDecW, 20, 2 }, { mDecL, 16, 4 }, { mData, 0, 1 } // end of list }; // get max length for a data type int get_type_max(uint8_t typ) { for (types_info_t *p = types_info; p->max; p++) { if (p->typ == typ) { return p->max * p->siz; } } return 0; // type not found } // get element size for a data type int get_type_size(uint8_t typ) { for (types_info_t *p = types_info; p->max; p++) { if (p->typ == typ) { return p->siz; } } return 1; // return size = 1 for invalid types } // ===================================================== // less data void DisScrn::do_cmd_les() { // verify that this is a command with a length int typ = rom.get_type(_sel.addr); int max = get_type_max(typ); // if this is an undefined byte, try extending the previous line if (typ == mData) { addrline_t a = _sel; a.prev_line(); typ = rom.get_type(a.addr); max = get_type_max(typ); if (max) { _sel = a; } } if (!max) { return; } addr_t a = _sel.addr + 1; // find end of run and determine length int len = 1; while (a < rom.get_end() && rom.test_attr(a, ATTR_CONT)) { a++; len++; } int siz = get_type_size(typ); // verify length is at least 2x siz if (len < siz * 2) { return; } // set all abandoned bytes to mData --a; while (a > rom._base && rom.test_attr(a, ATTR_CONT) && siz--) { rom.set_type(a, mData); rom.clear_attr_flag(a, ATTR_CONT | ATTR_LF1); --a; } print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // more data void DisScrn::do_cmd_mor() { // verify that this is a command with a length int typ = rom.get_type(_sel.addr); int max = get_type_max(typ); // if this is an undefined byte, try extending the previous line if (typ == mData) { addrline_t a = _sel; a.prev_line(); typ = rom.get_type(a.addr); max = get_type_max(typ); if (max) { _sel = a; } } if (!max) { return; } addr_t a = _sel.addr + 1; // find end of run and determine length int len = 1; while (a < rom.get_end() && rom.test_attr(a, ATTR_CONT)) { a++; len++; } // verify length is < max if (len >= max) { return; } // add new bytes equal to the size of one element int siz = get_type_size(typ); while (a < rom.get_end() && siz--) { // add new byte(s) to current run rom.set_type(a, typ); rom.set_attr_flag(a, ATTR_CONT); rom.clear_attr_flag(a, ATTR_LF0 | ATTR_LF1); a++; } // update upcoming ATTR_CONT bytes with type mData while (a < rom.get_end() && rom.test_attr(a, ATTR_CONT)) { rom.set_type(a, mData); rom.clear_attr_flag(a, ATTR_CONT | ATTR_LF1); a++; } print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // handle '"' command to change hint flags of current instr void DisScrn::do_cmd_hint() { // toggle hint flags in current instr int hint = rom.get_hint(_sel.addr); hint = (hint + 1) & 3; rom.set_hint(_sel.addr, hint); // print message with new hint value char s[256]; sprintf(s, "instr hint set to %d", hint); error(s); // re-disassemble current instruction and get its new length CPU *cpu = CPU::get_cpu(rom.get_type(_sel.addr)); char opcode[20] = {0}; char parms[256] = {0}; int lfref = 0; addr_t refaddr = 0; int len = cpu->dis_line(_sel.addr, opcode, parms, lfref, refaddr); // update length and clean up broken instructions that follow rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, rom.get_type(_sel.addr), !!(lfref & LFFLAG)); // redraw everything print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // handle '$' command to change default hint flags void DisScrn::do_cmd_defhint() { // increment default hint value rom._defhint = (rom._defhint + 1) & 3; // print message with new defhint value char s[256]; sprintf(s, "defhint set to %d", rom._defhint); error(s); } // ===================================================== // recenter screen void DisScrn::do_cmd_cen() { recenter(true); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // recenter screen void DisScrn::do_cmd_top() { // thresholds are numlines/5 and numlines*4/5 int threshold = max_row() / 5; if (threshold > 10) { threshold = 10; } set_sel_line(threshold); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // toggle the ATTR_LF0 flag void DisScrn::do_cmd_L() { // toggle the ATTR_LF0 flag rom.toggle_attr_flag(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // toggle outbound refs void DisScrn::do_cmd_cR() { // ignore unless on the "main" line of the instruction // this prevents hidden label lines from changing the "main" line if (rom.test_attr(_sel.addr, ATTR_LF0)) { if (_sel.line != 1) return; } else { if (_sel.line != 0) return; } // toggle the ATTR_NOREF flag rom.toggle_attr_flag(_sel.addr, ATTR_NOREF); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // save undo buffer void DisScrn::do_cmd_cU() { rom.save_undo(); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // swap undo buffer void DisScrn::do_cmd_U() { rom.swap_undo(); print_screen(); } // ===================================================== // change this line to type = mData void DisScrn::do_cmd_x() { // first get the instruction length int len = 1; // get the range of attribute bytes to type=mCode // set_instr will handle setting all attr/type bytes // and smash a following partial instruction back to mData rom.set_instr(_sel.addr, len, mData); // move down a line to take advantage of key repeat down_next_instr();//key_down_arrow(); // recalculate the screen print_screen(); #if 0 wmove(_win, 1, 40); wprintw(_win, " len = %d ", len); #endif } // ===================================================== // void cmd_key(int key) // // This handles a single-key command // Returns non-zero to exit program. void DisScrn::cmd_key(int key) { // search for key in char_cmds table for (cmd_char_t *p = char_cmds; p->key; p++) { if (key == p->key) { error(NULL); (scrn.*(p->func))(); return; } } switch (key) { // digits give a count for single-char commands case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': error(NULL); // keep track of the last two digits in _count _count = (_count % 10) * 10 + key - '0'; status_line(); wrefresh(_win); break; // backspace key lops off the last count digit entered case 0x08: // BS case 0x7F: // DEL case KEY_BACKSPACE: // curses backspace key code error(NULL); if (_count) { _count = _count / 10; status_line(); wrefresh(_win); } break; case 0x1B: // ESC key clears count _count = 0; status_line(); wrefresh(_win); break; } } // ===================================================== // void do_key_rpt() // // This repeats the most recent data change command. void DisScrn::do_cmd_rpt() { // search for key in char_cmds table for (cmd_char_t *p = char_cmds; p->key; p++) { if (_rpt_key == p->key) { error(NULL); _count = _rpt_count; (scrn.*(p->func))(); return; } } // either no _rpt_key has been saved or it was wrong // just silently fail? } // ===================================================== // void input_key(int key) // // This handles a key event from the event loop. // Returns non-zero to exit program. void DisScrn::input_key(int key) { int len = strlen(_cmd); switch (key) { case 0x08: // BS case 0x7F: // DEL case KEY_BACKSPACE: // curses backspace key code if (_cmd_pos) { _cmd_pos--; memcpy(_cmd + _cmd_pos, _cmd + _cmd_pos + 1, len - _cmd_pos + 1); print_screen(); } else if (!len) { if (_in_input == ';') { // require ESC or ENTER to end a comment break; } // backspace past beginning exits command input _in_input = 0; print_screen(); } break; case 0x0D: // CR { key = _in_input; // get input prompt char _in_input = 0; // disable input error(""); // clear error message print_screen(); // refresh screen // do something with _cmd here switch (key) { case ':': do_cmd_line(); break; case '/': case '?': // if search string entered, use it if (_cmd[0]) { strcpy(_search, _cmd); } do_search(key == '/'); break; case ';': do_comment(); break; default: // shouldn't get here break; } break; } case 0x01: // ctrl-A // move to beginning of line if (_cmd_pos) { _cmd_pos = 0; print_screen(); } break; case 0x05: // ctrl-E // move to end of line if (_cmd_pos < len) { _cmd_pos = len; print_screen(); } break; case 0x1B: // ESC _in_input = false; _cmd[0] = 0; print_screen(); break; case KEY_LEFT: if (_cmd_pos) { _cmd_pos--; print_screen(); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (_cmd_pos < len) { _cmd_pos++; print_screen(); } break; case 0x15: // ctrl-U case 0x18: // ctrl-X // delete from cursor to beginning of line if (_cmd_pos) { memcpy(_cmd, _cmd + _cmd_pos, len - _cmd_pos + 1); _cmd_pos = 0; print_screen(); } break; default: // non-text characters not allowed if ((key < ' ') || (key > '~')) { #if 0 // debug strange keys wmove(_win, 1, 20); wprintw(_win, " >0x%.2X< ", key); wrefresh(_win); #endif break; } // check for cmd buffer full or end of screen if (len >= sizeof _cmd - 1) { break; } // make an insert space memcpy(_cmd + _cmd_pos + 1, _cmd + _cmd_pos, len - _cmd_pos + 1); // add character to buffer _cmd[_cmd_pos] = key; _cmd_pos++; print_screen(); break; } } // ===================================================== // void do_key(int c) // // This handles a key event from the event loop. // Returns non-zero to exit program. void DisScrn::do_key(int key) { // make a beep ONCE, if requested if (_errbeep) { beep(); _errbeep = false; } // acknowledge if a ctrl-C came in if (_ctrl_c) { _in_input = false; // can't display error message over input line! error("use ':q' to quit"); _ctrl_c = false; // we've handled it, not stuck! } // if SIGWINCH happened, and no key to send, pass a KEY_RESIZE down if (key <= 0 && sigwinched) { key = KEY_RESIZE; sigwinched = false; } // handle command-line input if (_in_input && key != KEY_RESIZE) { input_key(key); return; } switch (key) { case 0x02: // ctrl-B, top-of-page/pgup if (_sel_row == 0) { key_page_up(); } else { top_of_page(); } print_screen(); break; case 0x04: // ctrl-D, bottom-of-page/pgdn if (_sel_row == max_row()) { key_page_down(); } else { bot_of_page(); } print_screen(); break; case KEY_UP: // up arrow key_up_arrow(); print_screen(); break; case KEY_DOWN: // down arrow key_down_arrow(); print_screen(); break; case KEY_HOME: // Home key_home(); print_screen(); break; case KEY_END: // End key_end(); print_screen(); break; case KEY_PPAGE: // PgUp key_page_up(); print_screen(); break; case ' ': // space bar case KEY_NPAGE: // PgDn key_page_down(); print_screen(); break; case KEY_RESIZE: // display size change (SIGWINCH) // note: these first two lines are normally done // in the ncurses SIGWINCH handler endwin(); wrefresh(stdscr); // now redraw the screen in the new display size print_screen(); break; case ';': // start a comment // make sure line can have a comment, and get existing comment if (load_comment()) { _in_input = key; print_screen(); } break; case ':': // start command line case '/': // start search forward case '?': // start search backward error(NULL); _cmd[0] = 0; _cmd_col = 0; _cmd_pos = 0; _in_input = key; print_screen(); break; default: // unknown key cmd_key(key); break; } } // ===================================================== // void key_up_arrow() void DisScrn::key_up_arrow() { // can't go up from start address if (_sel == _start) { return; } // at top screen row? if (_sel_row <= 0) { // if at top line, scroll screen down one line _top.prev_line(); _sel.prev_line(); } else { // decrement selected line _sel_row--; _sel.prev_line(); } } // ===================================================== void DisScrn::down_next_instr() { // can't go down from end address if (_sel == _end) { return; } // keep going down until _sel.addr changes addr_t oldaddr = _sel.addr; while (_sel.addr == oldaddr) { // at bottom screen row? (leave one blank line just in case) if (_sel_row >= max_row()-1) { // if at actual bottom line, move top down one extra // there are cases when the number of lines for a full // screen changes, and print_screen() fails if (_sel_row >= max_row()) { _top.next_line(); } // if at bottom line, scroll screen up one line _top.next_line(); _sel.next_line(); } else { // increment selected line _sel_row++; _sel.next_line(); } } } // ===================================================== // void key_down_arrow() void DisScrn::key_down_arrow() { // can't go down from end address if (_sel == _end) { return; } // at bottom screen row? if (_sel_row >= max_row()) { // if at bottom line, scroll screen up one line _top.next_line(); _sel.next_line(); } else { // increment selected line _sel_row++; _sel.next_line(); } } // ===================================================== // void key_page_up() void DisScrn::key_page_up() { // roll screen up by one page, attempting to keep same // line on screen selected, then start moving selection // up until moved full page or hit top of document int n = max_row() + 1; // maximum number of lines to move // attempt to roll while not at top of document while (n && _top != _start) { // scroll screen up and move selection up by one line _top.prev_line(); _sel.prev_line(); n--; } // docuemnt fully scrolled to top, now finish with up-arrows while (n--) { key_up_arrow(); } } // ===================================================== // void key_page_down() void DisScrn::key_page_down() { // roll screen down by one page, attempting to keep same // line on screen selected, then start moving selection // down until moved full page or hit end of document int maxy = max_row() + 1; // get address of bottom line on screen for compare addrline_t bot = _top; for (int i = 0; i <= maxy; i++) { bot.next_line(); } int n = maxy; // maximum number of lines to move // attempt to roll while not at bottom of document while (n) { // are there still lines left beyond the screen? int i = maxy; addrline_t addr = _top; while (i && addr != _end) { addr.next_line(); i--; } if (i) { break; // nope, the end line is at the bottom of the screen } // scroll screen down and move selection down by one line _top.next_line(); _sel.next_line(); n--; } // docuemnt fully scrolled to bottom, now finish with down-arrows while (n--) { key_down_arrow(); } } // ===================================================== // void top_of_page() void DisScrn::top_of_page() { // move selection up to first visible line while (_sel_row > 0 && _sel != _top) { key_up_arrow(); } } // ===================================================== // void bot_of_page() void DisScrn::bot_of_page() { // move selection down to last visible line while (_sel_row < max_row() && _sel != _end) { key_down_arrow(); } } // ===================================================== // void key_home() void DisScrn::key_home() { // move to first line of document _sel = _start; _top = _sel; _sel_row = 0; } // ===================================================== // void key_end() void DisScrn::key_end() { // move to last line of document (this would just show the END line) _sel = _end; _top = _sel; _sel_row = 0; // try to move up by max_row lines int i; for (i = 1; i <= max_row() && _top != _start; i++) { key_up_arrow(); } // now go back down by the same number of lnes // yes this is cheesy, but it works well enough for now while (--i) { key_down_arrow(); } } // ===================================================== // string utility functions // ===================================================== // ===================================================== static int ishex(char c) { c = toupper(c); return isdigit(c) || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F'); } // ===================================================== int HexVal(const char *hexStr) { addr_t hexVal; int evalErr; int c; // need to handle errors here better, if only in returning the value of the first valid digits! evalErr = false; hexVal = 0; while ((c = toupper(*hexStr++))) { if (!ishex(c)) { evalErr = true; } else { if (c > '9') { c = c - 'A' + 10; } else { c = c - '0'; } hexVal = hexVal * 16 + c; } } if (evalErr) { hexVal = 0; // Error("Invalid hexadecimal number"); } return hexVal; } // ===================================================== bool HexValid(const char *hexStr) { // empty string is not valid if (!hexStr[0]) { return false; } // any non-hex character is not valid while (*hexStr) { if (!ishex(*hexStr++)) { return false; } } return true; } // ===================================================== uint32_t DecVal(const char *decStr) { uint32_t decVal; int evalErr; int c; bool negative; negative = false; evalErr = false; decVal = 0; if (*decStr == '-') { negative = true; decStr++; } while ((c = *decStr++)) { if (!isdigit(c)) { evalErr = true; } else { decVal = decVal * 10 + c - '0'; } } if (evalErr) { decVal = 0; // Error("Invalid decimal number"); } if (negative) { decVal = -decVal; } return decVal; } // ===================================================== // get next word or symbol from s, and make it upper-case // returns 0 for end-of-line; if a single char, returns that char; else -1 int GetWord(char *&s, char *word) { *word = 0; char *p = word; // skip initial whitespace while (*s == ' ') { s++; } // test for end of line uint8_t c = *s; if (c) { while (c != ' ' && c != 0) { // if not first character, only allow alphanumeric strings if (p != word) { if (!isalnum(word[0])) { break; } } // add character to word *p++ = toupper(c); c = *++s; // only allow single character if not alphanumeric if (!isalnum(c)) { break; } } *p = 0; // skip trailing whitespace while (c == ' ') { c = *++s; } // check for single-character token if (word[0] && !word[1]) { return word[0]; } // found a multi-char word return -1; } // found end of line return 0; } // ===================================================== int GetString(char *&s, char *word) { // skip initial whitespace while (*s == ' ') { s++; } // check for leading quote uint8_t c = *s; if (c != '"') { c = ' '; } // copy until the next quote or blank, and set s after the quote while (*s && *s != c) { *word++ = *s++; } *word = 0; // skip the second quote or first blank if (*s) { s++; } // return the run as a word return -1; }