// asm6809.c - copyright 1998-2007 Bruce Tomlin #define versionName "6809 assembler" #include "asmx.h" enum cputype { CPU_6809, // 6809 instructions only CPU_6309 // 6309 instructions enabled }; enum { o_Inherent, // implied instructions o_Immediate, // immediate instructions o_Relative, // branch instructions o_LRelative, // 16-bit branch instructions o_Indexed, // indexed-only instructions o_PshPul, // PSHS/PULS instructions o_ExgTfr, // EXG/TFR instructions o_Logical, // logical instructions with multiple addressing modes o_Arith, // arithmetic instructions with multiple addressing modes o_LArith, // o_Arith instructions with 16-bit immediate modes o_QArith, // 6309 o_Arith with 4-byte immediate o_TFM, // 6309 TFM instruction o_Bit, // 6309 bit manipulation instructions o_6309 = 0x8000, // add to parm value for 6309 opcodes o_SETDP = o_LabelOp // SETDP pseudo-op }; struct OpcdRec M6809_opcdTab[] = { {"NOP" , o_Inherent, 0x12}, {"SYNC", o_Inherent, 0x13}, {"DAA" , o_Inherent, 0x19}, {"SEX" , o_Inherent, 0x1D}, {"RTS" , o_Inherent, 0x39}, {"ABX" , o_Inherent, 0x3A}, {"RTI" , o_Inherent, 0x3B}, {"MUL" , o_Inherent, 0x3D}, {"SWI" , o_Inherent, 0x3F}, {"NEGA", o_Inherent, 0x40}, {"COMA", o_Inherent, 0x43}, {"LSRA", o_Inherent, 0x44}, {"RORA", o_Inherent, 0x46}, {"ASRA", o_Inherent, 0x47}, {"ASLA", o_Inherent, 0x48}, {"LSLA", o_Inherent, 0x48}, {"ROLA", o_Inherent, 0x49}, {"DECA", o_Inherent, 0x4A}, {"INCA", o_Inherent, 0x4C}, {"TSTA", o_Inherent, 0x4D}, {"CLRA", o_Inherent, 0x4F}, {"NEGB", o_Inherent, 0x50}, {"COMB", o_Inherent, 0x53}, {"LSRB", o_Inherent, 0x54}, {"RORB", o_Inherent, 0x56}, {"ASRB", o_Inherent, 0x57}, {"ASLB", o_Inherent, 0x58}, {"LSLB", o_Inherent, 0x58}, {"ROLB", o_Inherent, 0x59}, {"DECB", o_Inherent, 0x5A}, {"INCB", o_Inherent, 0x5C}, {"TSTB", o_Inherent, 0x5D}, {"CLRB", o_Inherent, 0x5F}, {"SWI2", o_Inherent, 0x103F}, {"SWI3", o_Inherent, 0x113F}, {"ORCC", o_Immediate, 0x1A}, {"ANDCC", o_Immediate, 0x1C}, {"CWAI", o_Immediate, 0x3C}, {"BRA", o_Relative, 0x20}, {"BRN", o_Relative, 0x21}, {"BHI", o_Relative, 0x22}, {"BLS", o_Relative, 0x23}, {"BCC", o_Relative, 0x24}, {"BCS", o_Relative, 0x25}, {"BHS", o_Relative, 0x24}, {"BLO", o_Relative, 0x25}, {"BNE", o_Relative, 0x26}, {"BEQ", o_Relative, 0x27}, {"BVC", o_Relative, 0x28}, {"BVS", o_Relative, 0x29}, {"BPL", o_Relative, 0x2A}, {"BMI", o_Relative, 0x2B}, {"BGE", o_Relative, 0x2C}, {"BLT", o_Relative, 0x2D}, {"BGT", o_Relative, 0x2E}, {"BLE", o_Relative, 0x2F}, {"BSR", o_Relative, 0x8D}, {"LBRA", o_LRelative, 0x16}, {"LBSR", o_LRelative, 0x17}, {"LBRN", o_LRelative, 0x1021}, {"LBHI", o_LRelative, 0x1022}, {"LBLS", o_LRelative, 0x1023}, {"LBCC", o_LRelative, 0x1024}, {"LBCS", o_LRelative, 0x1025}, {"LBHS", o_LRelative, 0x1024}, {"LBLO", o_LRelative, 0x1025}, {"LBNE", o_LRelative, 0x1026}, {"LBEQ", o_LRelative, 0x1027}, {"LBVC", o_LRelative, 0x1028}, {"LBVS", o_LRelative, 0x1029}, {"LBPL", o_LRelative, 0x102A}, {"LBMI", o_LRelative, 0x102B}, {"LBGE", o_LRelative, 0x102C}, {"LBLT", o_LRelative, 0x102D}, {"LBGT", o_LRelative, 0x102E}, {"LBLE", o_LRelative, 0x102F}, {"LEAX", o_Indexed, 0x30}, {"LEAY", o_Indexed, 0x31}, {"LEAS", o_Indexed, 0x32}, {"LEAU", o_Indexed, 0x33}, {"PSHS", o_PshPul, 0x34}, {"PULS", o_PshPul, 0x35}, {"PSHU", o_PshPul, 0x36}, {"PULU", o_PshPul, 0x37}, {"EXG", o_ExgTfr, 0x1E}, {"TFR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1F}, {"NEG", o_Logical, 0x00}, // o_Logical: direct = 00; indexed = 60; extended = 70 {"COM", o_Logical, 0x03}, {"LSR", o_Logical, 0x04}, {"ROR", o_Logical, 0x06}, {"ASR", o_Logical, 0x07}, {"ASL", o_Logical, 0x08}, {"LSL", o_Logical, 0x08}, {"ROL", o_Logical, 0x09}, {"DEC", o_Logical, 0x0A}, {"INC", o_Logical, 0x0C}, {"TST", o_Logical, 0x0D}, {"JMP", o_Logical, 0x0E}, {"CLR", o_Logical, 0x0F}, {"SUBA", o_Arith, 0x80}, // iArith: immediate = 00, direct = 10, indexed = 20, extended = 30 {"CMPA", o_Arith, 0x81}, {"SBCA", o_Arith, 0x82}, {"ANDA", o_Arith, 0x84}, {"BITA", o_Arith, 0x85}, {"LDA", o_Arith, 0x86}, {"STA", o_Arith, 0x97}, // * 0x10 = no immediate {"EORA", o_Arith, 0x88}, {"ADCA", o_Arith, 0x89}, {"ORA", o_Arith, 0x8A}, {"ADDA", o_Arith, 0x8B}, {"JSR", o_Arith, 0x9D}, // * {"STX", o_Arith, 0x9F}, // * {"SUBB", o_Arith, 0xC0}, {"CMPB", o_Arith, 0xC1}, {"SBCB", o_Arith, 0xC2}, {"ANDB", o_Arith, 0xC4}, {"BITB", o_Arith, 0xC5}, {"LDB", o_Arith, 0xC6}, {"STB", o_Arith, 0xD7}, // * {"EORB", o_Arith, 0xC8}, {"ADCB", o_Arith, 0xC9}, {"ORB", o_Arith, 0xCA}, {"ADDB", o_Arith, 0xCB}, {"JSR", o_Arith, 0x9D}, // * {"STX", o_Arith, 0x9F}, // * {"STD", o_Arith, 0xDD}, // * {"STU", o_Arith, 0xDF}, // * {"STY", o_Arith, 0x109F}, // * {"STS", o_Arith, 0x10DF}, // * {"SUBD" , o_LArith, 0x83}, {"ADDD" , o_LArith, 0xC3}, {"CMPX" , o_LArith, 0x8C}, {"LDX" , o_LArith, 0x8E}, {"LDD" , o_LArith, 0xCC}, {"LDU" , o_LArith, 0xCE}, {"CMPD" , o_LArith, 0x1083}, {"CMPY" , o_LArith, 0x108C}, {"LDY" , o_LArith, 0x108E}, {"LDS" , o_LArith, 0x10CE}, {"CMPU" , o_LArith, 0x1183}, {"CMPS" , o_LArith, 0x118C}, {"SETDP",o_SETDP,0}, // 6800 compatiblity opcodes {"CLC", o_Inherent, 0x1CFE}, // ANDCC #$FE {"CLI", o_Inherent, 0x1CEF}, // ANDCC #$EF {"CLV", o_Inherent, 0x1CFD}, // ANDCC #$FD {"SEC", o_Inherent, 0x1A01}, // ORCC #$01 {"SEI", o_Inherent, 0x1A10}, // ORCC #$10 {"SEV", o_Inherent, 0x1A02}, // ORCC #$02 {"DEX", o_Inherent, 0x301F}, // LEAX -1,X {"DES", o_Inherent, 0x337F}, // LEAS -1,S {"INX", o_Inherent, 0x3001}, // LEAX 1,X {"INS", o_Inherent, 0x3361}, // LEAS 1,S {"PSHA", o_Inherent, 0x3402}, // PSHS A {"PSHB", o_Inherent, 0x3504}, // PSHS B {"PULA", o_Inherent, 0x3402}, // PULS A {"PULB", o_Inherent, 0x3504}, // PULS B {"ABA", o_Inherent, 0xABE0}, // 3504 ABE0 = PSHS B / ADDA ,S+ {"CBA", o_Inherent, 0xA1E0}, // 3504 A1E0 = PSHS B / CMPA ,S+ {"SBA", o_Inherent, 0xA0E0}, // 3504 A0E0 = PSHS B / SUBA ,S+ {"TAB", o_Inherent, 0x1F89}, // TFR A,B {"TAP", o_Inherent, 0x1F8A}, // TFR A,CC {"TBA", o_Inherent, 0x1F98}, // TFR B,A {"TPA", o_Inherent, 0x1FA8}, // TFR CC,A {"TSX", o_Inherent, 0x1F41}, // TFR S,X {"TXS", o_Inherent, 0x1F14}, // TFR X,S {"WAI", o_Inherent, 0x3CFF}, // CWAI #$FF {"LDAA", o_Arith, 0x86}, // alternate mnemonic for LDA {"STAA", o_Arith, 0x97}, // alternate mnemonic for STA {"LDAB", o_Arith, 0xC6}, // alternate mnemonic for LDB {"STAB", o_Arith, 0xD7}, // alternate mnemonic for STB {"ORAA", o_Arith, 0x8A}, // alternate mnemonic for ORA {"ORAB", o_Arith, 0xCA}, // alternate mnemonic for ORB // 6801 compatibility opcodes {"LSRD", o_Inherent, 0x4456}, // LSRA / RORB {"ASLD", o_Inherent, 0x5849}, // ASLB / ROLA {"LSLD", o_Inherent, 0x5849}, // ASLB / ROLA {"PULX", o_Inherent, 0x3410}, // PULS X {"PSHX", o_Inherent, 0x3510}, // PSHS X {"LDAD", o_LArith, 0xCC}, // alternate mnemonic for LDD {"STAD", o_Arith, 0xDD}, // alternate mnemonic for STD // 6309 opcodes {"ASLD", o_Inherent, 0x1048 | o_6309}, {"ASRD", o_Inherent, 0x1047 | o_6309}, {"CLRD", o_Inherent, 0x104F | o_6309}, {"CLRE", o_Inherent, 0x114F | o_6309}, {"CLRF", o_Inherent, 0x115F | o_6309}, {"CLRW", o_Inherent, 0x105F | o_6309}, {"COMD", o_Inherent, 0x1043 | o_6309}, {"COME", o_Inherent, 0x1143 | o_6309}, {"COMF", o_Inherent, 0x1153 | o_6309}, {"COMW", o_Inherent, 0x1053 | o_6309}, {"DECD", o_Inherent, 0x104A | o_6309}, {"DECE", o_Inherent, 0x114A | o_6309}, {"DECF", o_Inherent, 0x115A | o_6309}, {"DECW", o_Inherent, 0x105A | o_6309}, {"INCD", o_Inherent, 0x104C | o_6309}, {"INCE", o_Inherent, 0x114C | o_6309}, {"INCF", o_Inherent, 0x115C | o_6309}, {"INCW", o_Inherent, 0x105C | o_6309}, {"LSLD", o_Inherent, 0x1048 | o_6309}, {"LSRD", o_Inherent, 0x1044 | o_6309}, {"LSRW", o_Inherent, 0x1054 | o_6309}, {"NEGD", o_Inherent, 0x1040 | o_6309}, {"PSHSW", o_Inherent, 0x1038 | o_6309}, {"PSHUW", o_Inherent, 0x103A | o_6309}, {"PULSW", o_Inherent, 0x1039 | o_6309}, {"PULUW", o_Inherent, 0x103B | o_6309}, {"ROLD", o_Inherent, 0x1049 | o_6309}, {"ROLW", o_Inherent, 0x1059 | o_6309}, {"RORD", o_Inherent, 0x1046 | o_6309}, {"RORW", o_Inherent, 0x1056 | o_6309}, {"SEXW", o_Inherent, 0x14 | o_6309}, {"TSTD", o_Inherent, 0x104D | o_6309}, {"TSTE", o_Inherent, 0x114D | o_6309}, {"TSTF", o_Inherent, 0x115D | o_6309}, {"TSTW", o_Inherent, 0x105D | o_6309}, {"BITMD", o_Immediate, 0x113C | o_6309}, {"LDMD", o_Immediate, 0x113D | o_6309}, {"AIM", o_Logical, 0x02 | o_6309}, {"EIM", o_Logical, 0x05 | o_6309}, {"OIM", o_Logical, 0x01 | o_6309}, {"TIM", o_Logical, 0x0B | o_6309}, {"ADDE", o_Arith, 0x118B | o_6309}, {"ADDF", o_Arith, 0x11CB | o_6309}, {"CMPE", o_Arith, 0x1181 | o_6309}, {"CMPF", o_Arith, 0x11C1 | o_6309}, {"DIVD", o_Arith, 0x118D | o_6309}, {"LDE" , o_Arith, 0x1186 | o_6309}, {"LDF" , o_Arith, 0x11C6 | o_6309}, {"STE" , o_Arith, 0x1197 | o_6309}, {"STF" , o_Arith, 0x11D7 | o_6309}, {"STQ" , o_Arith, 0x10DD | o_6309}, {"STS" , o_Arith, 0x10DF | o_6309}, {"SUBE", o_Arith, 0x1180 | o_6309}, {"SUBF", o_Arith, 0x11C0 | o_6309}, {"ADCD", o_LArith, 0x1089 | o_6309}, {"ADDW", o_LArith, 0x108B | o_6309}, {"ANDD", o_LArith, 0x1084 | o_6309}, {"BITD", o_LArith, 0x1085 | o_6309}, {"CMPW", o_LArith, 0x1081 | o_6309}, {"DIVQ", o_LArith, 0x118E | o_6309}, {"EORD", o_LArith, 0x1088 | o_6309}, {"LDW" , o_LArith, 0x1086 | o_6309}, {"MULD", o_LArith, 0x118F | o_6309}, {"ORD" , o_LArith, 0x108A | o_6309}, {"SBCD", o_LArith, 0x1082 | o_6309}, {"STW" , o_LArith, 0x1097 | o_6309}, {"SUBW", o_LArith, 0x1080 | o_6309}, {"LDQ" , o_QArith, 0x10CC | o_6309}, // special: immed is 0xCD {"ADCR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1031 | o_6309}, {"ADDR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1030 | o_6309}, {"ANDR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1034 | o_6309}, {"CMPR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1037 | o_6309}, {"EORR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1036 | o_6309}, {"ORR" , o_ExgTfr, 0x1035 | o_6309}, {"SBCR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1033 | o_6309}, {"SUBR", o_ExgTfr, 0x1032 | o_6309}, {"TFM" , o_TFM, 0x1138 | o_6309}, {"BAND", o_Bit, 0x1130 | o_6309}, {"BIAND", o_Bit, 0x1131 | o_6309}, {"BOR" , o_Bit, 0x1132 | o_6309}, {"BIOR", o_Bit, 0x1133 | o_6309}, {"BEOR", o_Bit, 0x1134 | o_6309}, {"BIEOR", o_Bit, 0x1135 | o_6309}, {"LDBT", o_Bit, 0x1136 | o_6309}, {"STBT", o_Bit, 0x1137 | o_6309}, {"", o_Illegal, 0} }; const char tfrRegs[] = "D X Y U S PC X X A B CC DP"; // extra X's are placeholders const char tfrRegs6309[] = "D X Y U S PC W V A B CC DP 0 00 E F"; const char pshRegs[] = "CC A B DP X Y U PC D S"; const char idxRegs[] = "X Y U S"; const char idxRegsW[] = "X Y U S W"; u_char dpReg; // -------------------------------------------------------------- static void M6809_Indexed(int idxOp, int dirOp, int extOp) { // idxOp is required // if dirOp == 0, use extOp // if extOp == 0, use idxOp int indirect; char *oldLine; int token; Str255 word; int reg; int val; char force; indirect = 0; force = 0; oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); if (token == '[') { indirect = 0x10; oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); } // handle A, B, D as tokens if (token == -1 && word[1] == 0 && (word[0] == 'A' || word[0] == 'B' || word[0] == 'D')) { token = word[0]; } // handle E, F, W as tokens if (curCPU == CPU_6309 && token == -1 && word[1] == 0 && (word[0] == 'E' || word[0] == 'F' || word[0] == 'W')) { token = word[0]; } switch(token) { case ',': token = GetWord(word); if (token == '-') { if (*linePtr == '-') { linePtr++; GetWord(word); reg = FindReg(word, idxRegsW); if (curCPU == CPU_6309 && reg == 4) { // ,--W InstrXB(idxOp, 0xEF + !!indirect); // ,--X } else if (reg < 0 || reg > 3) BadMode(); else InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x83 + indirect); // ,--X } else { GetWord(word); reg = FindReg(word, idxRegs); if (reg < 0) BadMode(); else InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x82 + indirect); // ,-X } } else { reg = FindReg(word, idxRegsW); if (curCPU == CPU_6309 && reg == 4) { // ,W / ,W++ oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); switch(token) { case ']': linePtr = oldLine; case 0: // ,W InstrXB(idxOp, 0x8F + !!indirect); // ,X break; case '+': // ,W++ if (*linePtr == '+') { linePtr++; InstrXB(idxOp, 0xCF + !!indirect); // ,W++ break; } default: BadMode(); break; } } else if (reg < 0 || reg > 3) BadMode(); else { oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); switch(token) { case ']': linePtr = oldLine; case 0: InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x84 + indirect); // ,X break; case '+': if (*linePtr == '+') { linePtr++; InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x81 + indirect); // ,X++ } else InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x80 + indirect); // ,X+ break; default: BadMode(); break; } } } break; case 'A': case 'B': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'W': Comma(); GetWord(word); reg = FindReg(word, idxRegs); if (reg < 0) BadMode(); else { switch(token) { case 'A': InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x86 + indirect); break; // A,X case 'B': InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x85 + indirect); break; // B,X case 'D': InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x8B + indirect); break; // D,X case 'E': InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x87 + indirect); break; // A,X case 'F': InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x8A + indirect); break; // B,X case 'W': InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x8E + indirect); break; // D,X default: BadMode(); } } break; case '<': case '>': force = token; default: if (!force) linePtr = oldLine; val = Eval(); oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); switch(token) { case ']': linePtr = oldLine; case 0: // value if (!indirect && (dirOp >= 0 || extOp >= 0)) { if (((force != '>' && evalKnown && (val & 0xFF00) >> 8 == dpReg) || force == '<') && dirOp >= 0) { // if ((val & 0xFF00) >> 8 != 0 && (val & 0xFF00) >> 8 != dpReg && force == '<') // Warning("High byte of operand does not match SETDP value"); InstrXB(dirOp, val); // <$xx } else InstrXW(extOp, val); // >$xxxx } else InstrXBW(idxOp, 0x8F + indirect, val); // $xxxx break; case ',': // value, GetWord(word); reg = FindReg(word, idxRegsW); if (curCPU == CPU_6309 && reg == 4) { // nnnn,W if (force == '<') BadMode(); else InstrXBW(idxOp, 0xAF + !!indirect, val); // nnnn,W } else if (reg < 0 || reg > 3) { if (strcmp(word,"PC") == 0 || strcmp(word,"PCR") == 0) { val = val - locPtr - 3 - (idxOp > 255); if ((force != '>' && evalKnown && -128 <= val && val <= 127) || force == '<') InstrXBB(idxOp, 0x8C + indirect, val); // nn,PCR else InstrXBW(idxOp, 0x8D + indirect, val - 1); // nnnn,PCR } else BadMode(); } else { if (force != '>' && evalKnown && !indirect && -16 <= val && val <= 15) InstrXB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + (val & 0x1F)); // n,X else if (evalKnown && -128 <= val && val <= 127) InstrXBB(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x88 + indirect, val); // nn,X else InstrXBW(idxOp, reg * 0x20 + 0x89 + indirect, val); // nnnn,X } break; default: BadMode(); } } if (indirect) if (!errFlag) Expect("]"); // if we've already had an error, don't bother checking } int M6809_DoCPUOpcode(int typ, int parm) { int val; int reg1,reg2; Str255 word; char *oldLine; const char *regs; int token; // verify that 6309 instructions are allowed if ((parm & o_6309) && curCPU != CPU_6309) return 0; parm &= ~o_6309; switch(typ) { case o_Inherent: if ((parm & 0xF0FF) == 0xA0E0) InstrXW(0x3504,parm); else InstrX (parm); break; case o_Immediate: oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); if (token == '#') { val = Eval(); InstrXB(parm, val); } else { linePtr = oldLine; Expect("#"); } break; case o_Relative: val = EvalBranch(2); InstrXB(parm,val); break; case o_LRelative: val = Eval(); if (parm < 256) val = val - locPtr - 3; else val = val - locPtr - 4; InstrXW(parm, val); break; case o_Indexed: M6809_Indexed(parm, -1, -1); break; case o_PshPul: reg1 = 0; token = GetWord(word); while (token) { reg2 = FindReg(word, pshRegs); if (reg2 < 0 || ((parm & 0xFE) == 0x34 && reg2 == 9) || ((parm & 0xFE) == 0x36 && reg2 == 6)) { Error("Invalid register"); break; } else { if (reg2 == 8) reg2 = 0x06; // D else if (reg2 == 9) reg2 = 0x40; // S else reg2 = 1 << reg2; if (reg1 & reg2) Warning("Repeated register"); reg1 = reg1 | reg2; } token = GetWord(word); if (token) { if (token != ',') { Error("\",\" expected"); token = 0; } else token = GetWord(word); } } InstrXB(parm, reg1); break; case o_ExgTfr: regs = tfrRegs; if (curCPU == CPU_6309) regs = tfrRegs6309; // get first register GetWord(word); reg1 = FindReg(word,regs); if (reg1 < 0) { Error("Invalid register"); break; } if (Comma()) break; // get second register GetWord(word); reg2 = FindReg(word,regs); if (reg2 < 0) { Error("Invalid register"); break; } if (curCPU != CPU_6309 && (reg1 & 8) != (reg2 & 8)) { Error("Register size mismatch"); break; } InstrXB(parm, reg1 * 16 + reg2); break; case o_Logical: M6809_Indexed(parm | 0x60, parm, parm | 0x70); break; case o_Arith: case o_LArith: case o_QArith: oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); if (token == '#') { if (parm & 0x10) // immediate { Error("Invalid addressing mode"); break; } val = Eval(); switch(typ) { default: case o_Arith: InstrXB(parm & ~0x10, val); break; case o_LArith: InstrXW(parm & ~0x10, val); break; case o_QArith: InstrX(0xCD); InstrAddL(val); break; } } else { linePtr = oldLine; M6809_Indexed((parm & ~0x10) | 0x20, (parm & ~0x10) | 0x10, (parm & ~0x10) | 0x30); } break; case o_TFM: // works like o_ExgTfr except for allowing + and - after registers regs = tfrRegs; if (curCPU == CPU_6309) regs = tfrRegs6309; // get first register GetWord(word); reg1 = FindReg(word,regs); if (reg1 < 0) { Error("Invalid register"); break; } val = -1; token = GetWord(word); switch(token) { case '+': // R+,R+ and R+,R val = 0; if (Comma()) return 1; break; case '-': // R-,R- only val = 1; if (Comma()) return 1; break; case ',': // R,R+ only val = 3; break; default: IllegalOperand(); return 1; } // get second register GetWord(word); reg2 = FindReg(word,regs); if (reg2 < 0) { Error("Invalid register"); break; } token = GetWord(word); switch(token) { case '+': // R,R+ and R+,R+ switch(val) { case 0: // R+,R+ case 3: // R,R+ break; default: IllegalOperand(); return 1; } break; case '-': // R-,R- only if (val != 1) { IllegalOperand(); return 1; } break; case 0: // R+,R only if (val != 0) { IllegalOperand(); return 1; } val = 2; break; default: IllegalOperand(); return 1; } InstrXB(parm + val, reg1 * 16 + reg2); break; case o_Bit: // first register = CC, A, B token = GetWord(word); val = FindReg(word,pshRegs); if (val < 0 || val > 2) { Error("Invalid register"); break; } reg1 = val << 6; if (Comma()) break; // source bit = 0..7 val = Eval(); if (val < 0 || val > 7) { IllegalOperand(); break; } reg1 |= val << 3; if (Comma()) break; // destination bit = 0..7 val = Eval(); if (val < 0 || val > 7) { IllegalOperand(); break; } reg1 |= val; if (Comma()) break; // allow '<' force character for direct addressing mode oldLine = linePtr; token = GetWord(word); if (token != '<') linePtr = oldLine; // direct page address val = Eval() & 0xFF; InstrXBB(parm, reg1, val); break; default: return 0; break; } return 1; } int M6809_DoCPULabelOp(int typ, int parm, char *labl) { // int i; int val; // Str255 word; char *p; switch(typ) { case o_SETDP: if (labl[0]) Error("Label not allowed"); val = Eval(); if (!errFlag) { if ((val & 0xFF) == 0) val = val >> 8; // handle $XX00 as $00XX if (val < 0 || val > 255) Error("Operand out of range"); else { dpReg = val; if (pass == 2) { p = listLine + 2; p = ListByte(p,val); } } } break; default: return 0; break; } return 1; } void M6809_PassInit(void) { dpReg = 0; } void Asm6809Init(void) { char *p; p = AddAsm(versionName, &M6809_DoCPUOpcode, &M6809_DoCPULabelOp, &M6809_PassInit); AddCPU(p, "6809", CPU_6809, BIG_END, ADDR_16, LIST_24, 8, 0, M6809_opcdTab); AddCPU(p, "6309", CPU_6309, BIG_END, ADDR_16, LIST_24, 8, 0, M6809_opcdTab); }