# this tests the various assemblers against pre-assembled instruction lists # in the ref sub-directory rm -f *.asm.hex rm -f *.asm.lst function testit() { echo "" echo "Testing $1:" ../src/asmx -l -o -w -e -C $1 $1.asm >/dev/null 2>&1 diff -q $1.asm.hex ref/$1.asm.hex if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "*** $1 test failed ***" else echo "--- $1 test passed ---" fi } testit 65c02 testit 68hc11 testit 68hc16 testit 68k testit 1802 testit 6303 testit 6502 testit 6502u testit 6800 testit 6801 testit 6809 testit 8051 testit 8085 echo "" rm -f *.asm.hex rm -f *.asm.lst