HOW TO BUILD asmx The standard way to build asmx is using the makefile: make This will create the asmx binary in the src sub-directory. That's it. Now you might want to copy it to your /usr/local/bin or ~/bin directory, but that's your choice. If you are using a unix-like OS such as Linux, OS X, or BSD, you can also use: make install This will install the binaries to ~/bin, unless you change the makefile to install it somewhere else. Symbolic links are generated so that each CPU assembler can be used with a separate command. If you can't use the makefile, the simplest way is this: gcc *.c -o asmx That's it. Now you will might want to copy it to your /usr/local/bin or ~/bin directory, but that's your choice. Windows users should install Cygwin as the easiest way to get GCC.